Gender-based cultural expectations in the story of an hour by kate chopin

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

Document 1

There is no evidence that “The Story of an Hour” is a criticism of marriage or men. Most feminists have the belief that people are living in patriarchal societies where men historically took control of the cultural, social and economic systems. A feminist critic will carefully analyze the effects that institutions have on the women of the society prior to taking action. For instance, the marriage institution was highly criticized for encouraging male dominance and submission of wives. Women were not supposed to be self-assertive. Richard, a friend to Mr. Mallard who now had the responsibility to inform his family. Mrs. Mallard had been suffering from a condition that weakened her heart hence Mr. Harrison had to take caution on how to deliver the bad news.

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She sat on a cozy armchair that faced the window and from there she had a clear view of the environment. She had not perceived nature before as she did. Mrs. Mallard reflected on how life will be in the absence of her husband and compared it with how it has been in his presence (Chopin, 1989). Although women have the same thinking capacity as men, they were made to believe that men are superior. The doctor established that she died as a result of too much joy upon the return of her husband contrary to the real cause which was an emotional shock when she figured out that she had to relinquish her freedom again. Women were suppressed emotionally during the 19th century period.

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The alleged death of Mr. Mallard in a railroad accident stimulated the emotional awakening of Mrs. Mallard. At that moment, she is joyous knowing that she had discovered herself devoid of control by her husband (Humm, 1986). Now that her emotions are no longer suppressed, she can perceive all the happenings in the natural surroundings. She awaits the emergence of her freedom as she perceives it. Louise imagined how the subsequent days were going to be with the newly found freedom and she was joyous The one-hour reflection awakened her selfhood. As a result, she lived the last moments of her life thinking about the beauty of social conventions free life where she has the privilege of thinking for herself without anyone else having control over her life.

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The discovery of individuality in this context is complex to understand. Chopin demonstrates that emotions link the soul to the body (Jamil 217). Louise’s body responded to emotions and she felt connected to the physical world. In respect to women in the patriarchy society of the 19th century, their emotions were attributed to ill health. On the contrary, Chopin relates human emotion to good health. Initially, she did not know that her brain could conceive anything from living in a state of psychological sedentary. The human brain has the ability to conceive ideas regardless of gender. Some of the physical weaknesses that people suffer from are attributed to psychological issues. The weaknesses can be overcome by triggering the psychological action of the brain.

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