Gender Development essay
Document Type:Speech
Subject Area:Psychology
To shade more light on the concept of gender development, psychologists Sigmund Freud and Michael Kimmel gives their perspectives concerning various questions that would arise from the audience. Freud is credited with the Freud’s Theory concerning gender development. On the other hand, Kimmel is an American sociologist and counselor who majors in gender studies. The two have huge contributions towards the idea of gender development. Audience: What is the general description of gender development? Sigmund Freud: Through Freud’s theory, gender development encompasses a set of communications between the superego, ego, id as well as the external surrounding, which influence factors concerning human development (Kimmel, 2008). With the sex role theory, Kimmel compounds to more challenges by suggesting two monolithic parameters but ignore the idea of masculinities and femininities. Additionally, the theory tends to ignore the power association between femininity and masculinity.
As a result, the theory overlooks the institution of gender. Audience: What is your take on gender binaries and the masculinity equation with human rationality? Sigmund Freud: All human beings are always guided by unreasonable unconscious needs that serves to unseat the idea of male superiority, which confers men with an advantageous linkage to social power. The powerful nature of men over women is symbolized via the male anatomical segment that asserts that men fear losing while women are often viewed as covets (Gardiner, 2004). For women to feel valued, there is a need for men to close the mother wound that creates a gap between the caring mother and the one that men try to leave behind. The idea contrast Robert Bly’s masculinist men movement that encourages men to cut their umbilical cord with women as opposed to sharing the platforms of building the future generation.
Audience: What is your opinion concerning the differences between the male and female identity? Sigmund Freud: while sex variations and biological differences become evident from childhood, there is difference concerning the maturity rate. Girls exhibit faster maturity as compared to boys. During the growth stages, girls are often physically healthier and are advanced in the oral and written skill development (Net Industries, 2018). At a young age, the dreams of both men and women often act and think in a similar fashion, a feat that is also echoed in the adult stage where the thoughts of both gender look to have more similarities than variations regarding whatever achievement they want in life. Currently, women take on roles that were traditionally meant for men including actively participating in political matters. Again, like boys, girls are taking leadership roles in schools.
Therefore, while differences might occur in the anatomy of both girls and boys, similar behaviors and thoughts often outweigh the basic gender difference ideology. Audience: What is the relevance of gender to men? Sigmund Freud: The concept of gender is a universal issue that is both important to boys and girls. Audience: What is your view on gender representation in various sectors of the world economy? Sigmund Freud: Of course gender imbalance has been a thorn in the flesh for socialists, psychologists and economists globally. Women are often overlooked in employment and political platforms. Even in some communities, the stereotype of women being vulnerable and weak still exist, implying that men would dominate every sphere of world economic and political growth. Michael Kimmel: While it appears to be a reality that women are overlooked, the dynamics are fast shifting.
In the current world, women are allowed to lead on big stages and take up active involvement towards transformation. Retrieved from: https://pdfs. semanticscholar. org/7ba1/4ef5099a3e86da2efcae80477f5e89d68011. pdf Kimmel, M. Psychological Perspectives on Gender Development (Kimmel, chapter 4). org/transcripts/Michael-Kimmel-on-Gender-Transcript. pdf Net Industries (2018). Gender identity. Retrieved from: http://psychology. jrank.
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