History and Systems of Psychology

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Philosophy

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The scientific discovery of the Ancient Greeks was that the earth is spherical and they also inquired more concerning the world and heaven (Tarrant, 2004). They also conducted studies on the planets, moon, sky, and the sun. Eratosthenes from Alexandria measured the earth’s circumference and reported more about geography and astronomy. Agriculture is founded on botanical science that involves the study of plants life and their habitat. This discovery was from Aristotle, Greek Philosopher and was later extended by Theophrastus who helped in grouping plants based on their similar characteristics (Swan, 2016). Sensationalism holds that thinking originates from senses and that ideas originate from senses which is a response that is passive and that refection originates from an active mind. It reports that simple ideas combined together give rise to complex ideas.

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Positivism is based on the fact that the existence of something can only be measurable and quantified such that in the absence of those qualities then it does not exist (Romm, 1991). Rationalism studies reasons for the occurrence of the behavior. It holds that behaviors do not just occur but they must in response to arousal (Scheibe, 2001). It also made attempts at identifying consciousness elements. It also holds that sophisticated processes can only be studied in natural setups and that only simplistic changes in mentality could be studied in laboratories. Structuralism studies the relationship existing between the mind and the brain. It also holds that elements of sensations and affections are related and they include quality, longevity, and intensity. Evolution concerns itself with changes that take place in the inheritable features of living things and they are passed over from one generation to another.

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Psychoanalysis concentrates on the study of the unconscious part of life that which in turn helps to discover how to treat illness related to the mentality of people and animals. Humanism emphasizes on the uniqueness of human’s beliefs, subjective reality is superior in determining basic behaviors in comparison to objective reality, the potentials of humans that are natural include; self-actualization, normalcy, growth, and authenticity (Combs, n. d. Humanism also holds that people take responsibility in consequence of their actions that emanate from their freedom of choice. It also emphasizes that the important life’s goal is meaningfulness hence psychology should concentrate on actualizing people’s potential. References Audi, R. Doxastic Voluntarism and the Ethics of Belief. K Nussbaum, M. C. knowledge, Truth, and Duty, 93-108. PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi:10. e512272011-002 Early Developments in Gestalt Psychology.

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n. d. doi:10. Scheibe, E. Between Rationalism and Empiricism. Between Rationalism and Empiricism, 1-86. doi:10. In Visualizing Medieval Medicine and Natural History, 1200–1550 (pp. Routledge. Talat, U. Early Greek Thought and the Philosophers of the Enlightenment Era. Emotion in Organizational Change, 1-18. F. Nature, Spirituality, and Later Life in Literature: An Essay on the Romanticism of Older Writers. The Gerontologist, 39(5), 516-524. doi:10. geront/39.

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