Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

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Holistic health is the treatment that incorporates the whole body as a whole. It involves treating the mind, body, and spirit. A holistic healer believes that issues that cause health problems are symptoms of imbalance such as stress and bad diet habits. On the other hand, alternative medicine is the treatment of illnesses by use of other means that are not incorporated in medical care. These two groups are defined and discussed in the paper to show their similarities and differences altogether. Despite the fact that these methods of treatments are proven to work in most cases, they are a cheaper method compared to other medical care treatments. Many people around the globe live with pain that can be treated using alternative methods. Due to this pain, they tend to use drugs that pose a threat to their lives and other drugs do not work at all, others choose to go for surgeries.

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These type of people need to go for alternative means of treatment which are proven to work. Through massage, the body is made to relax and a consistent therapy which involves acupuncture, eating healthy foods, a lot of people can live a normal drug and surgery free life. Enabling people to identify, analyze and evaluate their body parts and how to treat them wholly (Desy, 2018). Hence, this approach serves to bring balance and harmony to patients. An alternative treatment involves technology and recently approved medicines for the treating of illnesses. Children or adults with disorders associated with attention and hyperactivity disorders are treated through means that help in controlling their bodily behaviors (Mandel, 2009). However, there are people who do not believe in the existence of the disorder and have no need for prescriptions to help in remedying the problem, therefore, they go for alternative options to help with the treatment.

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It deals with the treatment of patient’s whole body with the aim of identifying and eliminating chronic diseases for a better life, this focus is among the advantages of using holistic medicine. Holistic medicine is a focus in medicine that is more about the traditional approach of treatment. It is more considerate of the patient's safety. When a patient has been diagnosed with an illness, the approach ensures the elimination of the disease and its ability to attack the patient in future. To ensure this, it diagnoses other medical issues that might resurface in future (Desy, 2018). With this approaches from both medicine practices, they are able to create a diagnosis and identify illnesses that are the cause of the problems within the patient’s body. With this ability, holistic and alternative medicines can create solutions to the illness that have attacked the patients.

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Therefore, it leads to the establishment of a balanced and harmonious healthy lifestyle for the patients and everyone in general. Roles played by the healers in Holistic and Alternative Medicine Through the understanding of a holistic healer, imbalance symptoms are the root cause of discomforts and pains experienced by people. Physical problems can be associated with the imbalance, wrong diets, not doing exercises or maybe being an insomniac are all associated to the imbalance. The alternative healer, on the other hand, has a role to provide quantifiable evidence and certainty in their diagnosis of different illnesses. They need to have an understanding that encompasses these issues and a solution to them. He/she has to offer counsel to the patients on the various ways to use the treatment that is administered to them.

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Since they believe in traditional methods of treatments such as herbals, they administer the right dosage to the patient and ensure that it won’t do harm to them than good (Desy 2018). Both the holistic and the alternative healer have different roles to play in ensuring that the patients get the best treatment. com/holistic-healing-s2-1729732 Henderson, R (2014) “Holistic Medicine” Patient. info Retrieved from: https://patient. info/doctor/holistic-medicine Mandel, S. I (2009) “Understanding Differences between Holistic, Alternative and Complementary Medicines” Inquires Journal. com VOL.

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