Homework Debate

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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There were some issues which were involved: should same assignment be administered to all children in class, should there be limits on the number of homework administered to children weekly or daily by a single teacher, should teachers keep weekends free from homework, should homework overload be regulated by either administrators or principal. If a teacher was not to assign his students homework in common then it meant that there was need of extra time that would be used in designs and grading individualized homework. In 20th century, most educators thought that homework was essential in creating disciplined mind. By 1940, educators realized that it was interfering with some home chores and they turned against it. by 1980, some learning theorists claimed that it was detrimental to students’ mental health.

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It can help in flipping the way class works. Khan videos can replace lectures. These videos can be watched by students at home enabling them to focus on working problems set while in class. This idea inverts the school normal rhythms enabling the students to view their lecture at their own free time and have their homework done at school. This results in the students’ moving at their own pace. In every month, Khan’s videos’ viewers are more than two million, and are instructed to answer about fifteen questions in a second time. This ensures that students are exposed to different questions enhancing their memory and imaginative capacity. Teachers have known that one-on-one lecture is effective, but Benjamin Bloom who is an educational scholar in 1984, figured it out clearly how effective the method is.

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Bloom carried out researches on students who are pulled out of their classes and given individual instructions and those who are of regular classes. Bloom found out that the scholars who are given one-on-one attention performs better than the regular class scholars. This means that he never assumes things; he explains everything not even leaving anything behind thinking that you already know it. Today, it is very hard to understand students in terms of what they have learnt and what they have not learnt. Khan uses a dashboard to change all these. Most of the people think Khan is promoting rote learning, but this is not true. The more time teachers use his program in classes, the more time is created for creative activities during the school days.

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The technique involves numerous forms including peer instruction, just-in-time form of teaching and interactive engagement. The technique possesses similar elemental compulsory. This is the main logic why most students do not like the flipping method of teaching. Students like gathering a lot of information outside the classroom through listening to podcast, watching recorded lectures and reading and reading different materials. When the students are in class, they only do their homework, solving problems by the help of their lecturers and mates then putting into practice the things they have learnt. ” This means great educators should always look for better ways of training their students. Within the same period, advocacy groups, scholars and other stakeholders seeking to upgrade higher learning are interested in seeing more evidences that learners are sincerely getting education in learning institutions.

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In addition, another force is economic reality. Economic constrains in colleges cannot allow for the decrease of class size and creation higher level of open discussion meetings as the ratio between the professors and students does not balance as the students tend to be too many. The lecture models help to ensure that students receive the maximum attention. This was replaced by that progressive education which mainly focused on the learner. Schools of child-centeredness did not employ the act of teaching all students same content making them to master similar materials. Progressive educators believed that every child has different abilities and needs. ” Each child is allowed to progress at its rate” Children differ in their home environment, native intelligence and their abilities and interests.

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