How andrew jackson changed the roles of american presidency

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:History

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Consequently, when the war broke out in 1812, between Britain and the United States, Jackson’s leadership skills in the war earned him massive national respect and fame. Therefore, he became a national hero after the role he played in the defeat of British during the war especially in the Battle of New Orleans. Nevertheless, Jackson would become an influential as well as polarizing America’s political figure in the period of 1820s and 1830s (Sinha, 146). Again, Jackson became United States seventh President in the period of 1829-1837, after initially narrow lose to John Quincy Adams in the election held in 1924 (Sinha, 147). Therefore, it is crucially important to understand the critical role Jackson played in shaping the model of America’s Presidency as he influenced formation of the Democratic Party, played key part in the fall of Second Bank of the United States, support for liberty of all, and the role he played in institution of policies that shaped way of life of Americans at the time.

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As such, he requested impolitely that Margaret Timberlake be allowed to be part of the social circles of Washington elite (Ellis, 60). Thus, the cabinet members were not happy with his decision and hence started positioning themselves to succeed him, thinking he would serve as one term president. Consequently, for Jackson to rid himself of controversy, he dismissed the entire cabinet leaving only the Postmaster General and hence turned to unofficial advisers for guidance. However, despite the controversial Eaton Affair, Jackson still held his ground and position in his reform, economic and retrenchment plans. This is because at the time he took office, the government was a den of corruption. Similarly, the common man also resonated with Jackson’s spending and control systems that ensured that the national revenue was increased which propelled him to easily take care of the national debt.

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As a result, the remainder of his term the country became debt free, and interestingly enough, it was this time alone in America’s history that its federal government became free of debt. Overseeing Indian Removal Act In addition, Jackson was faced with a difficult decision which involved the removal of the tribes from India within the United States. As such, the Indians were to be moved to the West of the Mississippi which characterized his hallmark reforms. According to Jackson, going forward the Native Americans systems and way of life would be compromised as the effort to assimilate the Indian tribes had not been forthcoming (Sinha, 147). Moreover, President Jackson also realized the immense power the banks held within the context of United States economy. Nevertheless, Jackson still held the belief that the Bank of the United States had with it so much power that it could use in a bad way and thereby ruin the economy of the United States.

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Again, this was due to the distrust that Jackson had for banks in general (Cha, 89). Moreover, Jackson also likened the bank as a possible real threat to the country’s security. This is because Jackson knew that the banks were controlled by foreign investors who majorly had allegiances from other governments systems. In the end, with the actions of Jackson, he prevented the possible break of South Carolina from the Union. Also, this set a precedent that would be followed by other people such as Abraham Lincoln to use against the call of secession (Ellis, 59). Jackson as a Family Oriented President When the wife to Jackson Rachel passed away, he was affected deeply and later on spent the rest of his life mourning Rachel. Also, adding to his misery, his health began to deteriorate as he felt pain from wounds he received while at the military camp and also due to the effects of aging.

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Therefore, to cushion him from the pain associated with Rachel demise, Jackson resorted to filling the White house with friends and family which quite resonated with a majority of the population that saw Jackson as man of the people and also affected by life’s common tragedies. Therefore to counter this, Jackson issued a Circular which ensured that the purchase of government land was to be carried out with silver and gold unless it was being purchased directly with the confirmed settlers (Flaherty, 982). Conclusion Andrew Jackson left office on March 1837, leaving a lasting imprint on the American Presidency that forever altered the trajectory of history in the United States. As a result, through his noble actions and in his tenure set equal the mandate of the Executive Branch of government and that of Congress with regard to power structure and his ability to influence how laws were formed as well as the government policies.

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In addition, Jackson also ensured the preservation of the Union against persistent threat from secessionists and nullifiers. Also, during his reign, other nations around the world regarded the United States with utmost respect given Jackson’s management model of national and foreign affairs. Flaherty, Jane. Tariff Wars and the Politics of Jacksonian America by William K. Bolt.  Journal of Southern History 84. Meagher, Thomas M.

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