Justification and limitations of each method are also explained in this section. The instrument that was used for data collection is also described and the procedures that were followed to carry out this study are also included. The research also discusses the methods used to analyze the data. Research Design The research design is the ultimate blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data (Polit and Hungler, 2010). The study both qualitative and quantitative data. Similarly, each model was selected because they represent different platforms in which businesses relay information to stakeholders and participation of stakeholders in the communication process. Certain Social media platform selected for analysis was facebook, whatsup and youtube because most companies use it to post newsfeeds about the company’s CSR and to connect with stakeholders from different locations and access each other’s profile.
Nevertheless, Facebook was selected in order to help in identification of gaps and challenges faced by the company’s CSR when portraying its information through social media channels. Brief summary of each case study company Mondelez International Mondelez is one of the leading food producing companies in the United states of America with a revenue total of $ 29. billion. This move is expected to consolidate the company’s dominance in the global confectionery market, of which it controls 13. Tyson Foods Tyson foods makes an annual revenues of about $41. billion. Its home offices being in the United States of America is the largest beef producer and exporter in the country and one of the largest in the world. From 111 facilities, of 107 of which are located in the U. Each case study has different platforms where the company’s CSR communication is shared with stakeholders such as blogs, online social networks, localization services, video sharing sites and other online sites.
However, the researcher collected data from Twitter because it contained different tweets from the Food Company and reactions of viewers through different tweets feedback. Different tweets of the company’s CSR propaganda can be accessed through viewing both old and new tweet feeds in the company’s Twitter account and customer’s reaction to the tweets can be retrieved by viewing the comments below the company’s tweets. Anticipated Limitations Due to different information found in each tweet of the company, it may be difficult to include all the relevant material. Therefore this project mainly will use data concerning customer’s gauging on the company’s reputation and its products. Conducting interviews using online platforms enabled the interviewer to collect a lot of data from the participants since they could answer all the questions in a relevant way through writing as opposed to an oral interview.
Limitations Conducting interview through online platforms can result to lies being generated by the participants as a climate of trust and openness has not been established between the interviewer and the participant (Polkinghorne, 1994). However, this the contrary to what Sturges and Hanrahan (2004) state that, both online and face-to-face interviewing can yield similar information and that by offering a variety of interview types a wider variety of respondents and information can be obtained. Online Survey Some of the questionnaires were send via emails to participants since part of the quantitative data was conducted through an online survey to the general public in order to test the validity of the qualitative research. “Surveys are a standardized group of questions that enable data to be extracted from a large group of people” (Gratton and Jones, 2004).
However, this limitation was adjusted by checking the clarity of the questions before sending them to the public. Ethical Considerations This project had two ethical considerations that were aimed at protecting the respondents. The first consideration was to acquire permission to use the participant’s comments and keeping their identity unknown. This was achieved by emailing the respondents and explaining to them about the research project. The second consideration was to ensure that the permission and hiding of identity were granted by the respondent. Is it necessary to review the social media usage pertaining CSR activities in your company so as to make better usage of these platforms? [ ] yes [ ] no Why do you think so? …………………………………………………. Please indicate to what extent the following social media practices have impacted your company’s CSR activities.
Very great extent Great extent Moderate extent Low extent Very low extent Food video posting on social media platforms to market certain foods CSR events advertisement and after event picture posting. Live chats on social media platforms to campaign for CSR events Society mobilization through social media towards Customer relations cohesion through social media platforms SECTION C: CONSTRAINTS FACING CSRs. How would you rate the performance of your company concerning CSR CAMPAGN THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA? Please tick inside the box below [ ] Poor [ ] Fair [ ] Good [ ] Excellent Please give reason(s) below. Yes No If yes, Please give a reason(s) below. If no, Please give a reason(s) below. In your own opinion how well do the rules put in place by the management foster CSR campaign on social media? Please indicate by ticking √ in the box below Satisfactorily Fairly satisfactorily Unsatisfactorily Please give reason(s).
What else would you recommend about social media and CSR campaign that would be helpful to impact the activities?. Thank you very much for taking your valuable time to participate in this exercise. IGI Global. Capriotti, P. and Moreno, A. ‘corporate citizenship and public relations: The importance and interactivity of social responsibility issues on corporate websites’. Public relations review, 33(1), pp. ‘How large US companies can use Twitter and other social media to gain business value’, MIS Quarterly Executive, 9(4). Distaso, M. and McCorkindale, T. ‘A benchmark analysis of the strategic use of social media for fortune’s most admired US companies on facebook, twitter, and youtube’, Public relations journal, 7(1), pp. Evans, J. and Chalmeta, R. ‘Corporate responsibility in US corporate websites: A pilot study’, Public relations review, 37(1), pp. Gratton, C. and Jones, I.
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