Human Service Social work

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

The social program usually helps the needy and those in need, in the communities. Whereby, it was conducted in the nearby hospital and many people from different diversity attended, for example, people with disabilities, orphans, and health problem were present. The programs broadly major on the three topics, they include; how to prevent yourself from getting HIV/AIDs, and living a longer life after being HIV positive, how to become your own boss, irrespective of the disability and finally, how to improve in the way of life so as to prevent or cure health problem such as cancer etc. Identifying and analyzing the main objectives of the human service program The main goals and objectives of the human service program are; conducting of research and interviews to the people, educating and helping the needy including those who are in need in the family, communities or group of people in the society (Barrett & Sorensen, 2015).

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These objectives mentioned above can be easily achieved and proper evaluation performed and properly being assessed. Opinion based research will be the most effective and helpful program in this research design. It generally, involved in the designing of the quantitative data and the various experiment. For the most appropriate quantitate data, the use of opinion research design has been effective, through the use of questionnaires to the sample group, like the one in the hospital under this program. For instance, this method is easy and cheap in a sense that, the budget becomes a problem and gives an element of scale to test emotions and opinions (Barrett & Sorensen, 2015). In my decision to choose this kind of research design method, its simply because the method do not need a lot of skills in order to perform, considering people being addressed in the matter.

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This is because some of the participants normally freely or voluntarily take part in the process of being assessed ("Ethical Considerations - Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching", 2018). Effective measurement of scale that used to measure a client's progress. The most effective measurement of scale that would be really useful and helpful to access the client's progress is by use of the nominal and ordinal methods in order to achieve the objective of the social work program. According to the nominal as one of the effective way of measurement of scale, the procedure is more of normality, the client's progress is easily achieved by just talking to the client without any order or structure that need to be followed or any systematic way of doing the process.

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For example, a questionnaire kind of an interview between the disable and client in charge of the program ("Quantitative Scales of Measurement - Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching", 2018). In most cases, the effect of exclusion and inclusion criteria has been seen whereby while sampling the research, the researcher finds it difficult onto which criteria to use. For example, when sampling some research on the lack of proper education, for instance, the researcher might not be able to select the effective criteria, thus affecting the validity of the research (Roca, 2018). Using data from the evaluation to inform social work. Evaluation is the process that involves the collection and analyzing of information about programs activities, critically examine the program, characteristics and its outcome.

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The data from the evaluation can be informed to the program in several ways: Firstly, making data evaluated being inclusive. Conclusion In conclusion, evaluation is the best way of marketing someone's program in different fields. It has two categories that are the formative and the summative evaluation. From the program, I have come to know that the formative evaluation is when the program is in progress of development and implementations and are useful while conducted, therefore, enabling someone to achieve its goals and also improve on the objective as well. Whereas, the summative evaluation is that type of evaluation that it's fully completed and program are properly established. Telling you how the program is achieving some of its goals and objectives.

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