Human Societies in The Island of Dr Moreau

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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In both, science is the root-cause of the troubles they face, which result in uncertainty. The human society is significantly affected by another living organism, and their response to the events could make them better or worse. The human societies change both for the better, due to a collective identity, and for the worse, as a result of divisions. Division, leading to Hatred In Dr. Moreau’s story, there is a distinct separation between humans and bestial beings. In the end, the two killed each other. The division between humans and the half-men is what results in conflict especially since humans believe that they are the superior ones. Half-men, especially the uncivilized ones become very antagonistic towards humans possibly because of the pain inflicted on them through the painful experiments.

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As a result, any encounter between these two ends up in fights and even death. Correspondingly, the superiority along class lines. To complete this procedure, he embarks on a series of painful experiments and enslavement. Similarly, he has unprecedented power to reward or punish people and man-beasts alike. The authority he has breeds enmity between him and the other creatures. For Dr. Moreau, the need to retain control is what contributes to hatred by the Sayer of the law, and his troop. Josella and Bill are kidnapped and forced to defend the blind and find supplies. Clearly, in this camp, the blind are superior to the sighted ones and abuse their authority for maximum gain. In contrast, the Beadley group, blind people occupy the lowest position.

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It is noteworthy that there are a few blind people, which also include some women. Beadley has plans to create a survivor’s commune in the British countryside and intends to discard the blind members, save for a few women. The first instance is where Bill is hospitalized after being sprayed in the eyes by trifid poison. The triffids are an invention of the Soviet Union, whose spores spread to the rest of the world through wind pollination. The plants increase their power, and their ability to move makes them both dangerous and powerful. The toxic plants are hazardous to humans not only because they are venomous, but they also consume the plants and foods that humans rely on to survive.

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Worse still, unlike the humans who rely on their sight for survival, the plant does not need the vision to move from place to place. Moreau accuses of eating a rabbit that was found half-devoured. After a long chase of the carnivore, he is finally caught, and instead of taking him through the anguish of being tested and restrained, Edward opts to kill him. The death can be described as euthanasia. Edward feels sorry for the animal and yearns to give it peace, which can only be achieved through death. It is clear that Edward felt attached to the animal, whose pain is impossible to forget. He works for him and even helps him to convince Edwards not to run away when he planned to drown himself.

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After his death, Montgomery is distraught, and he eventually dies after a confrontation with a half-man. Human beings have a lot of support towards each other, which enables them to survive on this island. Also, humans and half-men work together and coexist in peace. Montgomery’s servant is a half-beast that works faithfully for him. Identity is also a unifying factor for the people in the story, ‘The day of the Triffids. ’ As aforementioned, people at first join groups according to their ability to see. In this case, the blind are led by Crocker whereas Beadley leads the sighted ones. The two groups strive to safeguard the interests of each other even when it is at the expense of non-likes. However, a more significant form of identity, that of being a human, supersedes other differences.

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