Humanistic Theoretical Approach

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

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“Humanistic psychology” became prominent in the middle of the twentieth century following what was perceived as deterministic approaches overlay of behaviorism and psychoanalysis. Thus, the approach emphasizes on the choices that individuals make as well as their self-determination through taking responsibility for one’s behaviors and actions. This also includes one’s ability to reach decisions from an intrinsically perspective rather than an extrinsically one (Joseph, 2008). Thus, the purpose of this research is to explore “Humanistic Theoretical Approach” in relation to its role in psychology, and how this approach can be applied to emphasize on the choices that individuals make as well as their self-determination through taking responsibility for one’s behaviors and actions. The paper will also discuss various examples of humanistic approach such as "compassion-focused therapy, phenomenological, gestalt, person-centered, transactional analysis, existential, and transpersonal therapy" as applied in humanistic approach and examples of its application in “Qi Gong Exercises, nursing, and physical education groups.

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It supports interpersonal relationships as well as self-image that the children will develop with their parents as it will reflect in their character when they are fully developed (García-Campayo, Navarro-Gil, and Demarzo, 2016). This approach can be applied to cases related to mental health such as low self-worth, childhood trauma, and trust issues among others. The essence of this approach in psychology is to help the involved people to develop the ability to feel as well as act in a helpful and caring way for themselves and others. Thus, this therapy can be applied in general population with chronic pain, anxiety, and depression as well as cultural and health systems since it contains an important aspect in psychology the deals with the explanation of interpersonal relationships through developing attachment (García-Campayo, Navarro-Gil, and Demarzo, 2016).

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Phenomenological humanistic theory approach, on the other hand, helps individuals question their perspectives as well as assumptions in an attempt to discover new approaches to life. Thus, "Gestalt therapy" approach focuses more on growth and the awareness about the relationship with self as well as the world and others (Saadati and Lashani, 2013). The purpose of using this form of humanistic approach is based on the fact that it removes all barriers that hinder awareness in an individual. This approach can be applied in dynamic groups such as individuals suffering from stress, relationship issues, and depression to raise their awareness of the present and perceive the issue from a present moment. This enables the involved group to understand that it is possible to reach emotional maturity once these barriers have been eliminated (Saadati and Lashani, 2013).

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This approach can also be applied in among dynamic groups such as divorced women to create a sense of self-efficacy. It entails an idea that humans tend to make decisions in relation to past premises that seemed appropriate at the time of application but are not valid anymore. Transactional analysis in most cases deals with awareness and the ability for an individual to exercise intimacy (Nayeri, Lotfi, and Noorani, 2014). Since transactional analysis is autonomy in nature, it helps individuals to come up with newly informed decisions, hence empowering them in the process and shifting their lives to a healthy state of living. The essence of "transactional analysis" in psychology is to help clients understand that positive change is not a result of only understanding their mind, but also know how to relate to self as well as others.

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This is based on the reflection of different human ego states in order to begin to change how one behaves and reacts to various situations and to achieve their desired outcome. This approach is used to help clients to find meaning in an event of anxiety making a choice to act and think responsibly in an attempt to combat negative inner thoughts, rather than focusing on external forces like luck and societal pressures. Clients, therefore, learn to reach more willful decisions in relation to how to live, since it draws more on love and creativity rather than surrendering to outside events to shape one's behavior (Watter, 2017). The last type of humanistic theoretical approach entails “transpersonal therapy”. As opposed to theoretical models that originate from “cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic or humanistic models, “transpersonal therapy” implies that there is more to what is perceived as the human identity as opposed to one’s interpersonal realms (Lewis, 2016).

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It takes the view of human transcends in connection with the empirical phenomena that entails approaches such as “karma, consciousness, connection, and soul. For instance, "Qi Gong Exercises as well as Feldenkrais approach" applies the idea of "gestalt concept" in relation to humanistic psychology. According to the concept of Moshe Feldenkrais called “Awareness Through Movement”, an individual is capable of operating from a higher level in the event that one becomes aware of his or her movements (Posadzki, Stöckl, and Mucha, 2010). This approach is also applicable in the case of individuals raising their level of awareness through performing “Qi Gong exercises”. In relation to therapy, “Qi Gong exercises” refers to a form of therapeutic approach that entails the integration of the mind and body (Posadzki, Stöckl, and Mucha, 2010). The other example that applies humanistic approach includes “Physical Education (PE)”.

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Application of humanistic approach in nursing makes it both individualistic and holistic. This approach is crucial in nursing since such nurses should be skilled in connection with interpersonal characteristics of care that is difficult to achieve through the application of various conventional education techniques (Jo, and An, 2015). Therefore, the humanistic approach has long been considered as a fundamental part in connection with educational value. In conclusion, humanistic theoretic approach entails a positive approach in relation to psychotherapy that deals with the nature of an individual and disapproves the idea of generalizing people as having similar problems. This approach is applied in the event of treating cases of “anxiety, personality disorder, addiction issues, problems with relationships, panic disorders, and other mental related health conditions. j. mppsy. Bailey, C. L. O’Keefe, A.

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