I lost myself in Finding you analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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The persona describes the experience of finding the Person being addressed by the persona. The first stanza of the poem describes the life of the persona before meeting the Person being addressed by the persona. The persona seems to have gone through hard times as described in his first line, “I lost myself in finding you” (Jamal line 1). Then things changed after finding the Person being addressed by the persona. In the first line of the second stanza, it is a proof that the being addressed has the power to bless so it is considered supernatural. The use of the second line, “till you annihilated me in you” (Jamal line 2) shows that the persona has found a resolution. Close Reading Notes The first line of the poem is a confusing line since the sentence does not state whom the persona is addressing.

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For instance, the first thing one will think is that the persona is addressing their lover, or addressing something special that happened to him. Hence, it makes the reader develop a mind of curiosity on the poem. Also, the first line provides that the persona had been disparate to find the person being addressed. The persona praises the person being addressed in the first line of the second stanza. The line makes the reader believe the second line of the first stanza, “till you annihilate me in you” since the tone of relieve becomes more evident. The use of the word “O blessing” (Jamal line 2) brings to the mind of the reader that the person being addressed as really change the persona.

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Furthermore, the line tells the reader that the persona feels relived and changed by the person being addressed as “you”. The line was used by the poet to give a hint to the reader on what the person termed as you might be. However, the sixth line shows the respect the persona has on the person being address. The seventh line assures the reader that the persona has found a meaning for being with the person being addressed. The line brings out then general meaning and purpose of the poem. Furthermore, it reflects back to the theme of resolution. The seventh and the eighth line brings the poem into a conclusion. Authors dent to use their writing skills to tell the society what should be done and what should not.

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The poem is an important tool that demonstrate the richness of language. The wise choice of words made by the poet depict that poetry can be used to teach on how to give a meaning to a word beyond its actual meaning. For instance, the use of the word “annihilated” (Jamal line 2) instead of a positive verb shows that words can mean different things if criticized beyond their natural meaning. Therefore, the words in a poem are transformed. The truth, logic and the life of the people of the society of the poet is learned from the poem. The poet’s purpose by writing the poem is to ensure continuity of his religion by showing how powerful it is. The poem shows a sense of compassion since the persona is compassionate to continue being fully taken by the person described.

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“O being in whose garden of meaning” (Jamal line 7) shows that the persona would like to continue being with the person being described. The poem develops a notion that every individual value their religion differently. People are introduced to different aspect of English language and culture through the study of literature. Litterateur exposes individuals to different cultures since it involves analyzing the understanding of other people on nature and life. Furthermore, studying literature enables one to learn how to interpret text quotes and give meaning to them. Student who study literature find it easy reading new books and makes them develop the habit of living. Some problems can easily be solved by using the knowledge of literature. Work cited Jamal, Mahmood.

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