Identifying Risk of Violence Within Extreme Religious Groups

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

Some of the faith-based actions include the violent religious movements, some self-discipline behaviours that are very extreme and can result to medical issues since some religions do not believe in the power of medicine causing health and mental harm. Each and every religious group have their own belief on how they conduct their activities and they do not believe in compromising their beliefs thus leading to violence (Morris, 2007). Every religion tends to be loyal to their beliefs and faith and the violence comes in when one religion tries to intimidate the other religion believes. Since the violence has been experienced often in the past years, this paper focuses on identifying risk of violence within the extreme religious groups using the HCR-20^V3.

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The paper will look at the problem statement, the methods and the articles that will be used in conducting the research and how research relate to the current legal and clinical practices. Method/Results There are various articles which have been written indicating the risks of extreme violence among the religious groups in the society. Below are some of the articles that discus extreme violence in religious groups as a major problem in the society. There has been a rise in the violent extremism in the past decades. The groups which are well known as the violent extremist groups have been able to expand and have projected themselves way beyond their areas of origin. This has been enhanced by the movement of people goods and ideas across the borders spreading a lot of information and behaviour change in the neighbouring societies (Ellis & Ellis, 2017 ).

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Since they have all the information they need. They are able to make random selections on the targets and at some point, they are those who practice suicide bombing where nobody would think such an act would occur. Again, these religion extremists have access to lethal and harmful weapons which causes mass destruction. Therefore, the society has a role to play to identify the loop holes in order to reduce the violence extremism within religious groups. Terrorism has been described as one of the results of extreme violence in the religious groups. Every religion has a belief on how they should attract people to their beliefs. But most of them are not tolerant in allowing those people to make their own decisions (Kunovich & Hodson, 1999).

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Intolerance can lead to extreme violence among religions since the beliefs that religions believe in tend to be so strong and every individual wants to uphold their faith. Islam and Christianity especially claimed that they are revealed religions and they hold that their teachings are from a supernatural being and they want everyone to accept and believe in those truths. Therefore, these religions at some point in history have led to violence due to their intolerance with other religions. This is an evidence that violence within the extreme religious groups will continue to occur if the people are not assisted in improving their socioeconomic status. Education level is another factor that has contributed to individuals joining the violence. Having little knowledge about something can make one vulnerable to joining the extremist violence religious groups.

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Although most of the people who have joined ISIS are well educated some of them were even doctors. This showing that frustrations contribute a lot in pulling people towards joining the violence extreme religious groups. Nations which are often attacked are building resilient communities which are capable of resisting and coming up with ways of handling the violent extremism. Countries like the U. S have come up with law strategies of dealing with terrorists by investigating whether there is area where recruiting of terrorists is ongoing and find strategies of stopping it. Due to the increased rate of terrorism attacks, the law enforcement, security and the intelligence agencies must continue to work closely to pursue counterterrorism cases whenever they occur to be able to save people from the dangers of terrorism.

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Does the social science evidence indicate disproportionate effects across different groups or populations? Violence is something no one will ever want to experience in their entire life, be it gender, age, individual and family, community violence, country or religion or any other type of violence since it brings with it effects which are severe and most of them causes permanent health effects. The society should also increase the education levels and offer the educated people jobs to ensure that they are not frustrated and end up joining those groups. The society should also be involved in poverty reduction activities, so as to connect to search people and get information on how they end up joining those extreme violence religious groups. I believe there are other factors that contribute to people being enticed to join the extreme violence religious groups and with proper research they can be rescued from the risks.

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What changes in clinical practice or public policy might you recommend based on your review of the scientific research? From the research conducted above, the main causes of extreme violence in the society include poverty; those areas which experience high levels of poverty are likely to be enticed to join the violent extremism since they use many things to entice those who cannot achieve a good lively hood. Frustrations is another thing leading to people joining the violence groups, a feeling that those groups have a better deal to give especially for the educated and with no jobs. Source: Escola de Cultura de Pau. Crenshaw, M. The psychology of terrorism: An agenda for the 21st century. Political psychology 21. Douglas, K. Ellis, H.

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