Immigration Policy in Canada essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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The polices are based on economic status of the country, the reunification of the family members and lastly on the refugee. Canada of late records lower immigrants compared to the other neighbouring countries. Evident historical changes in immigration policies such as reduction of professional groups dealing with skilled migration have been witnessed. These policies for a long time have been affected by racism. This essay will focus on the historical overview and personal view of the immigration policy in Canada relating them to different political eras and how racism can influence the policies. As result of avoiding racism within the country, the government established an immigration policy to guide the manner in which racism disaster is affecting the population of immigrants from certain countries.

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The Canada government understands that in order the country to witness large interests from its industries which will automatically boost the revenue of the country, it has a responsibility of ensuring that it gets immigrants with the skilled knowledge to boost its economic status. Therefore it goes without saying that government has the responsibility of ensuring immigrants with specified knowledge are able to access jobs to apply these skills and raise its economic status without even having that little thought of race difference between the citizens. During the year 1869, the federal government of Canada developed the first immigration Act that contributed to the establishment of the Canadian policy for immigrants. The state comes up with the open door policy which listed a number of countries and restrictions limiting who is able to immigrate to Canada.

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During the worldwide well known Canadian Pacific Railway, the government overcome the race disease by applying the immigration act on searching and bringing Chinese workers to provide skilled labour. The funny and at the same time sad experience occurred after the completion of the construction process. The Canada state began to show its true colours through restricting the Chinese immigrants from entering the country. Surely what does this prove or indicate? We only value our friends while we at a circumstance which only they have the ability to solve? No, it shouldn't be like that, if we give other races not found around our state an opportunity to interact and share as we learn these important skills possessed by them, then we will be able to acquire them and use them on our own even without much concern it helps from them.

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We must view every situation on both the positive and negative side not only looking the first profits we gain not understanding that these skills we are able to possess them only we incorporate with these immigrants as per the immigration policy lately. The government come to a final decision later and forced these immigrant citizens to register afresh with the government and they be able to carry identification cards and still according to the wartime elections act that they could not be able to join associations and movements formed under the control of federal government authority. The similar case but more completed bit was evident during the Second World War (Knowles. In conclusion, Canada's immigration policy establishment process was more politically influenced and controlled thus some of the past policies catered for the wishes of the high ranked politicians.

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