Impact of Black Power and Black Cultural Nationalism on American Popular Culture

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:History

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However, the “separate but equal” doctrine was brought to an end in 1954 by the board of education case. The following phase led to the rise of two approaches to acquiring civil rights for all since the African Americans were tired of waiting, i. e. , a violent and a non-violent approach. In the 1950s and 60s, racial inequality was most blatant in many states in the south of US because most black Americans populations were concentrated in these areas. Another form of the black power movement, Black Panther party, was formed in 1966 and became the most powerful group of the black power movement. The black panthers claimed that a socialist revolution could be the only opportunity to achieve a real change and therefore they were ready to exercise violence to achieve their demands.

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The black panthers, in their efforts to improve the conditions for the African Americans, they also instigated various successful survival programs across the country. The black panther party was viewed a major threat to security by the FBI thus received little support from the American public, but they maintained the struggle for the civil rights and this brought about more understanding between the races. The Black Nationalism culture The African American history was mainly built on the fights of overcoming the harmful social forces demonstrated in the pre-slave as well as the post-slave societies. Garvey’s association employed a strong educational component through which the black Americans would learn to have faith in themselves and their race. As an educationist, Garvey used education through newspapers and programs to enlighten black people about the social and economic uplift by using collective action.

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His socio-political viewpoint of Black Nationalism emphasized on social separation, cultural pride and economic empowerment (Pinkney). Marcus Garvey played a significant role as an African leader in empowering and inspiring the hope in the hearts of people and incorporating their ambitions into real-world adult education. Marcus Garvey’s stress on racial pride, economic and political self-determination served as an influential message for black American and had an important positive effect on Malcolm x’s political belief of Black Nationalism. The hip-hop culture emerged from the black community within the United States which acted as a direct response to the political and social issues that spawned from the early history. The African American community turned discontent from the racial injustices and exploitations into productive protests through restructuring opportunities and social attitudes by means of musical expression.

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The musical movement was conceived in the late eighties which led to significant changes in trends in music and culture. Nevertheless, the hip-hop culture marked a national movement of significant cultural and social significance through its power to transform an entire community ("Hip-Hop Underground and African American Culture"). The African Americans adopted hip hop as their voice and medium to express their concerns and opinions in a society which was institutionalized with racial segregation and discrimination. As a result, this lack of concern has exacerbated discrimination as well as hate speech against minority groups in unites states. Present Racism in Internet Folklore During the 19th century in America, the folk ideas concerning the African Americans fueled the stereotypes that were racially charged which served to enhance segregation into the 1960s.

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Although most Americans believed that the civil rights movement led into a post-racism era, the digital cultural artifacts proved that racism was still common in the American society with members of online social media spreading memes and rumors of famous African figures to spread conspiracy rumors and proliferate old racist stereotypes among the younger generation. Various folklorists provided background scholarship on conspiracy and conspiracy theories, giving an account of how they divide the different ethnic groups in the wider American society. Despite the positive impacts of the efforts of socially conscious Americans and the civil rights era to create a more inclusive community, the modern culture still holds racist folk ideas. This type of racism is a mode of bigotry which relies on the idea that discrimination has vanished and that the marginal groups remain segregated or impoverished by their actions rather than any institutional impedance.

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Presently, the idea of post-racism or the concept that the American society has overcomed racism is a projection of color-blind racism since it claims to have successfully incorporated diversity and overlooks the fact that the racial minority groups are consistently underrepresented and underprivileged in the American society and culture. The recent release of a new music video by Donald Glover “This is America” reveals the provocative imagery of the violent paradoxes that come along with being a black individual in America. The themes in the song illustrate the violence endured by the African Americans in America with the central message in Glover’s song being about guns. At the beginning of the song, Gambino shoots a man and hands over the gun which is carefully wrapped in a red cloth whereas the shot man is pulled away.

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The African Americans employed two approaches to acquiring civil rights for all since the African Americans were tired of waiting, i. e. , a violent and a non-violent approach. These two approaches led to the establishment of various movements to unite the Africans in their struggle for independence with the most dominant movement being the Black Nationalism. The concept of Black Nationalism arose after the blacks constantly facing the very grim viewpoint of the political, economic, and social oppression through the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century which aimed at uniting traditionally divided people in efforts to politically unify all residents of African territories who were disposed of by the slave. no/en/node/109405?fag=71082. "The Evolution of Political Consciousness in Hip-Hop.

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