Implementation plan for 4c-id model

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

Purpose The implementation plan is supposed to give a step by step procedure, that is to be followed by both the teacher and the learner. This is to ensure both parties benefit adequately from the learning model and for maximum efficiency in the execution of the model. The plan is also necessary to ensure that there is minimal to no time wastage during the execution of the learning model. This is because it eliminates any chances of second guessing during execution as it provides clear steps to be followed. Deployment Training Material The 4C-ID model is designed to be practical. Logistics of Synchronous Webinar or Instructor-Led Training This is a form of learning or training that involves exchange of material between the learner and the trainer, either as individuals or groups.

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Instructors may deliver the materials either in class or in interactive seminar or workshop sessions. This gives the learners the opportunity to practice what they have learnt (Lieser et al. For efficiency, the logistics required to implement this type of training need to be streamlined. This mode of learning tends to be very costly due to the costs of hiring instructors, venues, food and required tools, hence it’s important to optimize the budget. They should be administered periodically or after defined time intervals when the lecturer is satisfied that the students have gained sufficient knowledge on the topic being tested (Nakos & Whiting, 2018). Individual assignments should also be handed out to students so as to facilitate and encourage research on the students’ part.

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These assignments should have deadlines so as to avoid time wastage and procrastination among students. Giving different assignments to students would be a good idea so as to limit copying amongst the students. Moreover, the learners could be given group projects and assignments to encourage the culture of health knowledge sharing and group co-ordination. It is imperative that at this stage, the students that will that this model will be tested on are made aware of the plan in due time. This is necessary to prepare them psychologically for the change because they have probably grown accustomed to a particular model after years upon years of using it. On the other hand, instructors should not generate conflicts with the management of the educational institutions by implementing an unapproved plan.

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Suppose there are any legal and technical requirements for the model, the management will come in handy. In addition, it is the management that will approve policies and the implementation plan. In addition, the instructor and the helpers should discuss with the students about the best time to carry out the sessions according to their schedules. Subsequently, about one week before the commencement of the instructional sessions, the instructor should send a reminder to the students, management and helpers of the oncoming training. This is to make sure that the learners are psychologically prepared. At this stage, instructors can give the learners some areas of research at their own discretion. This helps to give the students an idea of what is required and what they are to cover.

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Task: The job aid gives a tenable form of study and teaching. It ensures shorter training periods that maximize on content mastery to increase performance and productivity. Additionally, it helps in error reduction and can be used while referencing lost information during training. The job aid will also help in information retention because videos simplify learning processes through consistency. Job Aid 3: Ensuring Highest Standards of ID Often times, some instructors just walk into a session and make a presentation and assume that they have taught students. The embedded structure should also involve students because the 4C-ID model requires that people work in teams. The joint productive activity will ensure that some of the research that the students will undertake will be used in future pedagogical practices.

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