Implications of Subliminal on Consumers
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Psychology
This explains the reason as to why a customer is addicted to certain products amounting to spending endlessly to quench the thirst and desire. In most cases, the consumer has no control over his behavior. The advert has various impacts on both the company and the customer in that; high purchasing amounts to high profits. Additionally, it's a form of entertainment whose objective is to break the viewers' monotony and provide fun. Implications of Subliminal on Consumers The world has changed into a global arena through the advancement of technology. On the other hand, it is set to appear frequently and in low volume and structure as a method of attracting more attention from the audience. Their primary objective is to pass information to the customer on the services and products offered by the company.
Subliminal Advertising, Does It Work?"(2012), denotes a research done concerning an advertisement of coca cola product and pop corn on a movie screen. Statistics show that the Subliminal adverting influence the consumers decision of choosing brands. This amount to the availability of market hence high profits on the company. The eyes are critical factor due their ability to value from its appearance, and perception. The advertisement made in a captivating manner that amounts to the attracting attention of more audience. They interlink the visual and imagination with the reality. This interlink facilitate most customer to become familiar with the products hence influencing the customer’s choice while purchasing. According to "Can Subliminal Messages in Adverts Influence Our Behavior (2018), subversive advertisements control the customers’ desire following the frequent occurrence of the advertisement.
On the other hand, the advertisement has a visualization effect in that; a customer will go for what he/she visualizes most. Correspondently, the consumer enriched with new products in the market. The branding of products captures their eyes as the first aspect. The advertisement enhances creativity and innovation following the fact that the customer is entitled to inquire more information concerning the product from other sources such as the internet. Zimmerman argues that the advert acts as a stimulus to the customer's brain and activities amounting the influence on behavior. The situation is too hard for the young people to control amounting to los of resources and time. Customers loss more capital, despite the company gaining much income as well as the government through revenue. Additionally, the advertisement may not cater for the ages that may be affected psychologically by the advert.
This is evident following the moral deterioration observable on the behavior. The advert amounts to the addition of the product. This explains the reason as to why consumer`s attitude towards various companies and products will differ. Conclusion Subliminal advertising influence the customers' decision of choosing the brands following their captivating nature. They owe the consumers passion and control their desire, passion, and interest. On the other hand, they can update the customer with the relevant information on the new products in the marker. Their visualization effects affect the mind operating system hence manipulating their behavior. doi:10. S0022-1031(02)00502-4 http://citeseerx. ist. psu. edu/viewdoc/download?doi=10. org/25a4/4999d5b2561cecaee84f13a38c8086f9d61e. pdf Bermeitinger, C. Goelz, R. Johr, N. Neumann, M. net/publication/222696003_The_hidden_persuaders_break_into_the_tired_brain "Can Subliminal Messages In Adverts Influence Our Behavior?".
Psychologistworld. Com, 2018, https://www. psychologistworld. com/influence-personality/subliminal-advertising. Can Subliminal Messages In Adverts Influence Our Behavior?". Psychologistworld. Com, 2018, https://www. psychologistworld. com/influence-personality/subliminal-advertising.
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