Indian mascots you's out essay
In the article, Jack Shakley writes about the issue of sports where most of the teams were most of the names were given based on the Native American culture (Jack, 520). In the article, Jack argues that changing the stereotypic aspects of the Native Americans (names, mascots, and logos), would give a depiction of the indigenous people. The paper will, therefore, provide a review of some of the main points embraced in the article, and the effectiveness of the argument of the author will also be envied. The articles were written following the protests that were frequently done by the Native Americans in the stadiums. In writing, he claims that the elimination of the Native American names and mascots from some of the professional teams was the noble action that needs to be taken to reduce the extent of the disputes.
However, in writing, the arguments of the author are associated with particular strengths, and at the same time, it is prone to weaknesses. The first strength eminent in the piece is that Jack Shakley, as the author has shifted focus in the use of simple English that will not call for an extra ability of the readers to understand the context of the writing. Therefore, the paper comes out to have been written expertly because he has succeeded in reaching out to the target audience, mainly those who misuse the Indian names and the mascots. The intention of the writer has been achieved through the use of various persuasive statements. On the other hand, the arguments of the author have weak points (Leletonxue, 2015). However, the piece is also prone to rhetorical fallacies where some of the information claimed by the author lacks a basis of reason hence making the narration not common enough to warrant credibility.
The audience has been attached emotionally, to a point they think that the misuse of most of the Indian affiliations in sporting was wrong and offensive because it shows an element of inequality (Leletonxue, 2015). Additionally, the author introduces himself to the audience by giving a narration of the story of how he made his way home with Cleveland Indians hat that was having the Chief Wahoo logo that was considered as one of the most controversial mascots in the history of the American sports. Shakley tries to appeal to the feelings of the audience by opting to use strong words that make the Native American mascots harmful in all aspects. For example, the way the writer narrates how her mother grabbed the Cleveland cup before throwing it away makes the readers get attached emotionally.
The assertion is that the writer logically presents the points to the point that the audience will have all the reasons to believe that removal of the names was the better option based on the facts presented. The storyline in the article has been shown in sections hence conveying the information to the readers without any trace of confusion. The narration is coherent, and the readers can easily link the issues presented in the article. In this regard, they believe that the story has been narrated based on logic. However, there are traces of logical fallacies that are eminent in the article. The author succeeds in making the readers sympathize with him at that point when his mother thought that his acts of buying the hat were sought of betrayal because she has been fighting that throughout her life.
According to me, I agree with the opinion of Shakley. I will also settle on eliminating the names to make the whole thing appear neutral and fair so that either of the ethical groups will not feel marginalized. The implication is that the use of such names is detrimental to the elderly population, and they think that it is stereotyping. Jack has excellent knowledge concerning the culture of the Native Americans to imply that his decision is one of the better options that can be used as a remedy approach of managing the riots in the stadiums and the discontent in the elderly population about the use of the names and the mascots. Los Angeles Times, 25 Aug. Web. Sept. Retrieved from: https://leletongxue. wordpress.
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