Interprofessional Collaboration in AHS
Lack of it has caused medication errors, delayed services and death of patients (McComb, 2013). The main aim is to improve collaboration between professions in the organization. Recently, the institution has been facing problems when dealing with these issues calling for an immediate intervention. Introduction Currently, health care sector is undergoing a rapid change with an increase in demand from patients as a result of population growth as well as other issues. This has alerted the sector to try make changes within to be in a position to deal with the increasing demand. Every group wants to live by its own as a group without involving the other groups. As a result, the chances of making medical errors and diagnosis errors is very high. There is also shortage of time for interprofessional communication as there is a shortage of physicians.
This has been brought by financial challenges faced the organization. However, every problem links back to poor interprofessional communication. The team members will work together to improve health care outcome in the organization. To ensure this is possible, there is the need to constitute the team’s leadership. The leader will be responsible for organizing the team. He/she will be supposed to guide the flow of duties within the team. All professional in the organization will be brought together to help deal with the problem of increased death rate. One of the ways of ensuring effectiveness of the team is through the use of the complexity model (Delmatoff & Lazarus, 2014). This is a leadership model that requires the leader to remain in touch with all team members and monitor their progress.
This ensures that the members of the team are in constant touch with each other. With that, collaboration is possible since they can easily access each other. After applying the complexity model, the team leader will also be required to assess the progress of the team to determine the effectiveness of the approach. This will motivate other professions in the organization to come together and work for positive results. Reporting feedback to management The progress of the interprofessional team should be reported back to the management to assess the progress. Positive results motivate the management to continue with the team and also create other similar teams. Reporting progress can be done in various ways. One of the them is coming up with reports on achievements of the team as well as challenges faced and how they were handled.
The purpose of AHS organization which largely focuses on patient safety. However, the organization faces a problem of increased deaths and medication errors done by professionals. This has been largely contributed by lack of cooperation between different professionals. This calls for the organization to constitute an interprofessional team that will include members of all professions within the organization (McComb, 2013). The main objective will be to improve health care outcome and reduce the death of patients. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/25154121 Kane, B. Groth, K. Randall, D. D. Viewpoint: Interprofessional collaboration and the future of health care. American Nurse Today, 6(6). Retrieved from https://americannursetoday. com/viewpoint- interprofessional-collaboration-and-thefuture-of-health-care/.
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