Irony and Foreshadowing in Flannery OConnor Stories
Bailey’s mother is a liar, she uses a vulgar language that is purely racist, she foolishly states that she recognizes who the Misfit knows and openly talks about the great contribution of America to post war Europe. The mother does not even realize the type of person she is until the end of the novel where she makes a realization that she is not as pure as she thought she was since the beginning. When the Bailey’s mother plans for the trip she wears a hat and dresses well claiming that “In case of an accident anyone seeing the dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady” (Connor, 1). Irony is established earlier on in the book as her death and the fact that she is a lady do not have any coherent relations.
Additionally, situational irony comes in when Bailey’s mother who is ever negative about her comments and stories finds the evil doer and criminal called Misfit and he leads her through a path of redemption (Wilson, 109). However Julian forgets the sacrifices that his mother has made for him to acquire the education he has. Ironically, Julian is idealistic and judges his mother for being racist without realizing that he too is the same since he does not act on his ideals. He spends most of his time condemning older white foreigners without really acting on his convictions. Julian does not treat the blacks as equals or even as people yet he condemns his mother for being racist and finds way to punish her for it. Despite saying that “True culture is in the mind, the mind”, referring to the fact that education has changed him, Julian is portrayed as an even bigger racist as compared to his mother considering he is very judgmental (O'Connor,4).
The acts foreshadow the way he retreats into his thoughts throughout the novel and judges the opinions and ideals held by his mother. Julian shows remorse and prejudices towards his mother and it comes out prominently when instead of supporting his mother after she was attacked by the African American woman he scolds her. Julian’s hatred for his mother’s ideals are shown as a distraction from his own weaknesses. When Julian’s mother puts on her hat she is described as looking innocent “…were as innocent and untouched by experience as they must have been when she was ten”. The description foreshadows the events that take place at the end of the book where out of naivety and innocence she offers the African American boy a penny and she is attacked by the mother.
The story foreshadows the impending deaths of the people in the car as the number of graves were equal to that of the people in car. The style engages the reader as they are able to see how the members of the family end up dead after being captured by Misfit (Wilson, 102). The instances of foreshadowing and irony in the two stories “A Good Man is Hard to Find” and “Everything that Rises Must Converge” create entertainment and engages the readers allowing them to stay active in the narration. It makes the stories more intriguing and interesting. Work Cited 1. Macmillan, 1965. Driskell, Leon V. and Joan T. Brittain. The eternal crossroads: the art of Flannery O'Connor.
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