Job Loss Case Study

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

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The victim’s role in the family and society at large can change negatively leading to unhealthy relationships. Addressing these changes requires an integrative approach to focus on career and personal concerns and eventually help the victims cope with the situation. Assessment tools should be used to develop a lifelong commitment for the victims. This paper details the effects of job loss on Joe, Angela, and Peter. Unit 4 assignment: Job loss case study Globalization has dramatically shaped the world work with massive influence in the occupational structures and career patterns. In the late stage, individuals detach themselves from the workplace and focus away from the work identity (Zunker, 2016; Chapter 14, Pg 329). Contextually, Joe is in the late stage of career development. His career journey began when he was a night shift inventory worker at the age of 20.

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As conceptualized by Zunker (2016) late-career development is characterized by age-related issues, age discrimination, health problems, and family factors and reduced job performance. Angela is in the middle career development stage. Job loss leads increased stress as individuals strive to look for coping resources. Mental problems are dependent on the stage of career development. In the Longevin family, Joe is an upper-class American with a strong work ethic. He is a goal-oriented person and worked hard to provide the best for his daughter Angela and grandson Peter. Joe is a hardworking, dedicated, and strong work ethic. Peter is an energetic, ambitious and determined person with a strong desire to establish his career. A job loss for Peter might lead to trauma, depression, and related mental illnesses.

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This is because Peter is establishing his career development and thus, a job loss would mean failed career establishment. As a result, establishing relationships at the workplace might be hard. Since Peter is an introvert and believes in solving things his own way, he indulges in substance abuse to relieve the bad feelings caused by the job loss. As for Joe, the most effective assessment would be the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) to assess the system of depression in him after the job loss (Hays, 2013). According to Hays (2013) BDI-II measures the key symptoms of depression such as sense of failure, pessimism and loss of self-worth especially in older adults. The reason for this assessment is because Joe had been diagnosed with depression and has a strong work ethics, the inventory will help in recommending the most effective treatment such as behavioral therapy.

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For Angela, the best assessment would be the career development inventory (CDI) that measures the readiness for exploration, information and decision making (MUSC, 2016). MUSC (2016) shows that CDI measure’s individuals’ readiness to make vocational; choices for their careers. The results obtained from the test can be used to refer Peter to rehabilitation centers to help him recover from the frustrations. Culturally, the screening tools are essential in reducing the effects of drug abuse in the society. Career counseling Strategies To help the family, Joe will need emotional support to help him accept the situation. Zunker (2016) suggest that psychological counseling helps in enabling people to fully accept the job loss and diminish the negative feelings of anger. Emotional counseling will thus allow Joe to take the necessary steps in securing the future.

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I would advocate for the client’s career establishment by linking them with career guidance institutions to help them settle in careers that best suit their skills and personality. Additionally, I will recommend the best programs that would help the clients upgrade their career skills. In collaboration with the social services and educational departments, I will ensure that clients receive the necessary funding and assistance needed for career development. For example, if the client is at the late stages of career development, I will contact and collaborate with the Department of Social services for the elderly in America to see what assistance the client might get to in terms of retirement benefits and the facilities for the elderly. Conclusion In conclusion, job loss can have detrimental effects on the victims.

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