Large scale international student exchange influence australias destiny in its region and the world

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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International student exchange programs in Australia enable students to experience different cultural values between the countries involved. The exchanged students help foster understanding between the people of Australia and participating countries. However, engaging in international student exchange programs on a large scale affects the destiny of Australia as a country. Changes in Australia’s destiny can be experienced in two different forms. Firstly, students who are exchanged into Australia’s exchange programs can result in a change in way of life, and secondly, Australian students admitted by other countries may end up picking up ways of life that are contrary to what people in Australia are used to (Hertell 1162). Upon their return to Australia, such students will bring new cuisines, clothing, and other cultural attributes to their families, friends, and classmates.

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When done on a large scale, the majority of Australians will adopt foreign ways of life, resulting in generational shifts on how people see and value their culture. Students who are exchanged from other countries may grow a desire to move or work in Australia once they are done with their studies. This will comprise of students from different racial backgrounds, cultures, and religions. The cultural composition of the Australian population is destined to change once this happens. Furthermore, Australia’s engagement in international student exchange programs on a large scale is set to improve diplomatic relationships between the countries involved (Arum 8). Students and the younger population across the world are often described as the future. Relationships between countries are often emphasized as important for trade, cooperation, and general diplomacy.

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Students who are exchanged to come into Australia are in part engaging in diplomacy on behalf of their countries (Arum 9). Large scale student exchange between Australia and other countries increases the chances of future leaders of the countries involved learning together. The mobility of learning among these students encompasses three distinctive dimensions: mobility of learning processes, the mobility of technology, and the flow of information among the institutions and countries involved (Bryła 634). These international programs create a wider and extensive social and educational experience. Engaging in international student exchange programs helps Australian students develop more sophisticated ways of looking at the world (Soong 13). Upon traveling and interacting with people from other countries, international students from Australia are able to understand and live through different experiences.

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The way of life for people in a host country is often adopted by Australian students (Soong 17). The destiny of countries participating in a student exchange with Australia will partly rely on the proceeds of tourism and trade. The existence of international student exchange programs creates an opportunity for Australia to improve its learning institutions in order to accommodate students from other parts of the world (Isola). The standards of education are set to improve with the increased exchange of programs. Australia may use students who move into other countries as benchmarkers and upon their return suggestions for improvement be considered. Future Australian students will benefit from the improvements made as they will conform to one of the highest available education standards and the environment in the world.

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The destiny of Australia may be impacted negatively with large scale student exchange programs with other countries in different ways. One of the ways Australia may be impacted is through an increase in crime caused by students coming in from other countries (Daly & Michelle 27). Engaging in international student exchange doesn’t involve extensive vetting of those that come into Australia. As a result, international students with a criminal background may be admitted into Australia without knowledge of their past. The friends that these type of students make while in Australia may be negatively affected as they could pick up some of the negative attributes and vices these international students have (Daly & Michelle 29). Education in Australia will improve to match the best educational standards in the world.

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