Principles of management History of management thought
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Business
The owners of EMS used classical management school of thought to revitalize the situation. This school of thought requires that there should be an application of scientific method to work so that the best way of accomplishing given work is determined, workers should be selected based on their qualifications of performing different tasks and they should train so that their skills are enhanced. Through this, it will improve the performance of firm (Taylor, 2006). Just like what the owners of EMS offered training and education, and they were motivated so, that their interest could be regained to help the company. What other management theories could you apply to the revitalization effort? Apart from the scientific school of thought, the EMS could have used the behavioral approach. What do you think of going back to the “good old days” when business education was less formal and more general? Has our business school become too special and quantitatively oriented? Business schools have changed context under which they operate, and this has enabled undertaking of analytical examination and the assessment of new models and also the new ways to management education.
Business schools currently use approaches based on skills to teach. These approaches put more emphasize on quantitative methods such as operations research, management information system, statistics, organizational behavior, modeling and simulation. Many colleges are blending all these approaches and also a delivery method in these approaches. Some schools are even offering online degrees despite the disagreements and contrary surrounding those learning methods (Noorda, 2011) With all these changes, some people think that old days were better than the current days. How are business school students of today different from those of the past? What difference does this make? Students of the day are digital natives. They are interested in the learning experience which meets their interest, academic needs and also time constraints. Assignment 3 History of management thought What cultural changes lead to the emergence of management as a fourth factor of production? What are the other three factors of production? According to (Ayiyere 1989:59) resources which facilitate the production of goods and services are known as factors of production.
They form the building blocks of the economy. The development of capitalism and the industrial revolution acted as a catalyst to a total cultural paradigm shift which gave birth to the transformation of modern management understanding and practice. System approach highlights the importance of the interrelationship between the company and the environment in which it operates in for the ordinary purposes of achieving set goals. Contingency approach underscores vital elements in a managerial situation by understanding the connection between the variables and the system at large. What are the principles and the assumptions of the scientific management? Fredrick Taylor developed scientific management principles and assumptions. The policies he promoted include the following; • Establishment of better modes of performing a task. • Use of scientific methods in the selection, education, and advancement of each worker.
They include, the traditional, charismatic, and rational administration. Bureaucracy is based on rational-legal authority where powers are legitimized by legally enacted rules and regulations such as government. What four things should managers do to ensure that their authorities are accepted by their subordinates? Acceptance theory of authority states that in a formal organization, power flows up, as the decision to whether an order or communication has authority lies with the person receiving the notification. There things that managers can do so that their authorities are accepted by their subordinates. Managers should ensure that there is a formal channel of communication where orders flow to their assistants directly, managers should ensure each member has an official channel of communication through which requests are received, and managers should ensure that there is a direct channel of communication between managers and subordinates.
In the conclusion of the study, it was found that the physical environment had little or no influence on the workers' productivity. What issues formed the bases of production problem in the turn of the twentieth century? The issues which led to production problem was the industrial revolution and the development of capitalism. These changes culminated in the period of industrial chaos and low productivity. Protestant ethnic and the division of labor also contributed to the low production. What were the Fayol’s main contributions to the management thought? Henry Fayol came up with the 14 principles of management which are universal and can be applied in all organizations. The importance of knowledge worked the management include; It helps the management in analyzing data to establish relationships. It helps the management in understanding cause and effect.
It helps the management in identifying and understanding trends, producing a new capability and creating or modifying a strategy. What are some of the characteristics of a learning organization? Peter Senge, (Peter Senge, 2004) explained the following characteristics of learning organizations; Information is shared, and it is accessible to all members of the organization, no information is kept secret. People are expected to learn continually. Harvard University. Mayo, E. The social problems of an industrial civilization. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms. Noorda, S. The Principles of Scientific Management. Cosimo Classics. Van Alphen, E. Attention for Distraction: Modernity, Modernism and Perception. Text Matters, 7(7).
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