Leadership and Organizational Performance

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

Document 1

The performance of an organization depends on various factors of which leadership is one of the contributors to the change. A leader as the authority to authorize what should be done in the organization and what should not be done. This can have effects on the way the organization operates since the normal running of the organization is being altered with. Some of the factors associated with leadership include; staff motivation, discipline, decision making, control, time management among other factors. Therefore, leadership can bring much difference in how the organization performs. This can have an effect on the production of the organization and affect the normal activities of the organization. The discipline of work that the leader showcases to the employees can have a great effect on the organization.

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The respect that the leader shows to the employees and the way they respond is very important. Respect among the two levels makes the communication to become effective thus the employees can be able to present the factors that are affecting the organization. This makes the leader determine the weakness and strength of the organization in a very quick manner thus maintaining the high presentation of the association (Thomas, 390, 1998). A leader must be able to monitor his team by moving around and checking how the work is being done rather than sitting in the office and waiting for the organization to progress. A leader who is engaged with his team has more chance of succeeding than the leader who only sits down and waits for the change.

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A leader can be able to determine whenever there is a problem and if there is an employee causing a dip in performance thus being able to determine how best the situation can be improved. This is one of the factors that make the leadership have effects on the organization performance. Leadership is the process of guiding the actions of a structured group to complete the goals set by the organization. For a leader to be able to acquire success in a particular organization, there are some of the qualities that must be present to offer the best leadership. Some of the qualities include: dedication; the level at which the leader shows commitment to meet the goals and purposes of the organization determines much how he or she can be able to perform.

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Communication; communication comes as one of the greatest factors in leadership. The effectiveness of communication in an organization helps to solve various issues that may arise and also determining the areas of weakness and strength in the organization. Human relation; this can also be described also has the interpersonal relationship. This shows that leadership as a great influence in the way the organization performs. This is a factor that proves that leadership has an effect on how the organization operates. One of the factors that can affect management is the organizational culture. There are some of the organizations that have a certain way of performance that has been used for a long time and still exist (Muijs, 50, 2011). A new leader in such organization may have ideas on how to improve the organization but due to the existing culture of the organization, the plans fail to work out thus leadership reaming the same or failing in a certain manner.

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