Leadership and productivity essay

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Management

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This paper discusses a personal evaluation with reports on these four qualities of effective leadership. Communication Firstly, communication is a great tool that is inexcusable for a strong leader. However, I understand that a good leader should be able to understand the dynamics that occur during communication. This includes the understanding of the possibilities of a barrier to communication during the interaction or when getting the feedback. I am a good listener which is a good communication skill. I strive always to create a balance by using policy as well as paying homage to duty before finesse in the communication. Power and Influence Distribution of power is another hindrance. When talking to my juniors, a firm voice which indicates authority and gives direction is shed away for an understanding tone for my equals and an even more humble one for my superiors.

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Although it is largely acceptable, it is a hindrance that creates a wall for many good decisions. This most notable when a decision is difficult and may involve reprimand. Long-term influence comes from a long-term relationship with the other colleagues. A leader should know when to have the adoration and when to ensure it is not too much to create complacency. Therefore to create influence, recognition is key. This ensures that the members have a personal relationship with me periodically as opposed to being their imposed leader. Delegation is also crucial for tying responsibilities which ensure that there is a good room for motivation as well as showcasing of skills (Haselhuhn et al. In addition, further motivation is only ensured by an understanding of the employees.

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According to McClelland, three factors can serve to motivate an employee. The need for Achievements can only be fulfilled by more roles. The need for power can also be attained by promotion or making a position form. The need for affiliation is attained by paring one with more teamwork (Tran et al. Whereas it is hard to accommodate everyone's opinion, disregarding it is equally dangerous. It may deteriorate the moral or level out the cooperation of the disgruntled members. However, when a compromise is reached, it keeps the team unbroken and helps with recognition morale. In addition, compromise allows for the engagement of ideas that would otherwise be frowned upon. It gives experts a chance to override decisions and set the path straight.

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This reduces apathy and tames any negative influence that may arise in the dissenters (Dalton, 2017). Also, power is more aptly delegated to the leader when a compromise is reached. Most importantly, a compromise allows an exchange of pros and cons of the plan in the table. This gives a more logical approach and allows for the naming of a better decision that should have been reached through other means. In conclusion, leadership is a combination of qualities aimed at ensuring that a goal is reached. Power and leadership. In Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance (pp. Springer Publishing Company. Haselhuhn, M. P. Rahim, M. A. Managing conflict in organizations. Routledge. Stoyanov, S. Influence of Motives and Tourism on Culture.

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