Liaison and Recovery in Mental Health Psychiatry

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Liaison psychiatry is the branch of psychiatry that is concerned with the interface between psychiatry and general medicine (Sharrock & Happell 44). Usually, liaison psychiatry provides services within general medical hospital facilities at the request of treating medical practitioners in the event that they feel that the state of mental health of their patients is affecting their treatment and care, or when they have some questions pertaining to their mental health state (NHS Confederation 2). Some of the situations where liaison psychiatry comes into play include cases where patients have medical conditions resulting in psychiatric symptoms, support for patients with mental health problems who are being treated for other conditions, diagnosis, treatment and assessment of dementia patients, patients who have attempted self-harm or suicide and in the assessment of a patient’s capacity to consent to treatment among other instances (NHS Confederation 3.

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Nurses play a critical role in recognition of patients’ mental health problems and subsequent care. This is because they make up the healthcare professionals group that has the greatest level of access and interaction with patients. Conclusion Mainstreaming of psychiatric services within the health care system has brought about the need for a nursing staff that is equipped with the necessary skill set and knowledge required to provide patients with mental health concerns with the optimum care required to recover both physically and mentally. Seeing as general nurses are not well equipped for this, psychiatric nurses are an integral part of the general healthcare setting because they aid in the improvement of quality of services given in response to the psychiatric and psychological needs of the patients.

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In light of this, practicum emphasizing on psychiatric and mental health nursing practice is aimed at equipping the psychiatric nurses with the skills required to work with other players within the healthcare sector to provide patients with psychiatric care required for complete and holistic recovery. Practicum emphasizing on Recovery of mental health nurse practice For individuals with mental illnesses, recovery is concerned with the gaining and retention of hope, understanding and appreciation of one’s strengths, abilities and disabilities, engaging in an active lifestyle, development of a positive image of self, social identity and personal autonomy, and acquisition of purpose and meaning of life. According to Jacobson and Greenly (482), recovery does not necessarily mean cure but rather refers to a combination of internal conditions that persons who consider themselves as undergoing recovery including healing, hope, connection and empowerment, and external conditions facilitating the process of recovery including a positive healing culture, human rights implementation and recovery-centered services.

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As such, it ensures that the legal and human rights of the patients are protected and promoted at all times. It also requires nursing practitioners to listen to, learn from and act upon communication from the patient and their carer on what they feel is important for them with regard to their recovery (National Standards for Mental Health Services 43). The principle is also concerned with instilling hope for the future and ability to lead meaningful and productive lives and therefore also focuses on cultivating positive attitudes in the mental health patients by supporting them to develop and maintain social, occupational, recreational and vocational activities that are of positive value to their lives. Respect and Dignity This principle emphasizes the need to treat individuals undergoing treatment for mental health conditions with utmost respect and to uphold and protect their dignity.

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