Major depressive disorder essay

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Nursing

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Major depressive disorder (clinical disorder) reveals the conditions where individuals are faced with various situations which tend to affect the way they react, conduct or behave in the public environment. The paper focuses on the significant aspect that causes depression in both children and adults. The two categories are affected differently depending on the experiences and the strength of the depression. Various methods were assessed in collecting data among the victims to ascertain on the primary cause of depression among people in the society. For this case, an individual feel or develop an experience like being loaded with a heavy burden. The recovery and treatment of depression among people vary depending on the strength of it. To some people, it takes a shorter period to get rid of it while to others it takes several months for one to become fully recovered (Dina, 2012).

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The condition is more than being sad since each develops a feeling of unmotivated or upset as time goes, but depression proves to be more serious. The daily activities of the victims are ceased from and that they can no longer concentrate on their mandates but rather having a deep feeling of being sad and lack of interest in everything. Persistent episodes throughout their entire life characterize major depressive disorder or clinical disorder. Clinical depression in teens and children. Universal signs and symptoms of clinical depression in teenagers and children are identical to those experienced with adults, but there exist some differences in them. • In younger children, the signs for clinical depression may include the following; being underweight due to lack of proper eating, clinginess, irritability, aches, worry, and pains or failure of attending school and other gatherings.

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• In teenagers, the symptoms for clinical depression may include the following; feeling worthless and detrimental, poor school performance, irritability, using drugs, eating or sleeping too much, lack of interest in their hobbies and other normal activities, and avoiding social interactions and gatherings. Clinical depression in older adults. Exercising more often applies to most of the people but only applies to a mind that is depressed. This helps in the handling of stress better. During physical activity, the body releases endorphins which boosts the memory. A report by the Centers for Disease Control reveals that having regular exercise daily helps in providing a good sleep. Another way could be through the keeping of the journal. Doctors can be called under this case to provide a proper prescription and dosage.

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Any medication can be ceased or tempered down, and there are several forms available that best suit one’s needs and chemistry. According to MAYO clinic, psychotherapy could be another form of treating clinical depression through talking regarding one’s conditions and associated issues with an expert of mental health. Various types of psychotherapy are found to be much useful for treating a major depressive disorder. These include; adjusting into a crisis or other ongoing difficulty, identifying negative behaviors and beliefs while replacing them with healthy ones, establishing better methods to cope and solve challenges and identifying issues that results into one’s clinical depression (Daniel, 2013). Depression. Persistent Sadness & Loss of Interest in Life. Retrieved from: https://www. psycom. net/depression.

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