Managing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Using Martial Arts

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

There are numerous stress reactions experienced by the victims even when outside reactions do not warrant the stress reaction. It is essential to note short-term stress is normal after a person is exposed to traumatic events. However, when these conditions are not managed and eliminated they turn out to a long-term condition known as PTSD. It has been observed that martial art training significantly is useful in mitigating PTSD symptoms after an individual has been exposed to traumatic conditions. The condition occur when the brain inappropriately shifts to fight or flight mode. The study found that participants improved and showed meaningful clinical outcomes. The participants in this study had served in at least one overseas mission. The PCL-5 was used to establish whether patients experienced PTSD symptoms.

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Moreover, the study ensured that participants are drawn from all sectors of the military. From the findings, it was noted that Jiu-Jitsu training and other martial arts can be beneficial in the management of PTSD (Willing et al, 2015). All the participants for the study will be enrolled and actively participate in a 6 month Jiu Jitsu Martial Art training program. It will be required that every participant attends at least two 120 minutes classes every week for a period of 24 weeks. The selection of participants will be random across all military branches. Moreover, the study will select individuals who have served in at least one oversee mission or war and have been diagnosed with symptoms of PTSD. This method is effective because it allows participants to self-report on the improvements and examines the changes in PTSD symptoms during the course of the training.

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The tools are also associated with superior patient outcomes compared to normal care. Notably, data from the PCL-5 scale can be used by practitioners to make the patient an active partner in the recovery process. The PDSQ is essential for any clinical research aiming to establish the effectiveness of the chosen therapy approach. These settings include those where mental health and care services are offered, including those undertaking therapeutic and treatment trials, which are applicable to our study (Zimmerman, n. d. The z-test will be used to test for statistically significant differences between the individuals enrolled in Jiu-Jitsu martial art training and those not enrolled. Ethical Considerations [1 page] The ethical standards and guidelines are outlined to ensure that the rights of research subjects together with researchers are protected.

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The ethics basically centers on ideas and issues that invoke moral considerations and responsibility while performing research. In order to ensure that I do not contravene the ethical guidelines, I will ensure that I explain the nature of the investigation and obtain informed consent from those participating in the training for this purpose. The explanation will include research objectives, information collected, methods, privacy and confidentiality, risks, and time commitments required. Moreover, PSDQ is expected to showcase a decrease in psychopathology. Therefore, it is expected that martial arts, such as Jiu-Jitsu, are useful in managing PTSD symptoms. Particularly, martial arts may be an advantageous, cost-effective, and alternative therapy to assist military personnel in managing PTSD and reintegrating to normal life. Other possible outcomes may be that martial arts are not effective in managing PTSD, which is affirmed by a significant increase in PCL-5 scores as well as an increase in psychopathology based on PDSQ.

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Also, it is possible to observe no relationship between martial art training and reduction or increase of PTSD symptoms in the participants. Therefore, this study is essential and builds upon previous investigations to affirm the effectiveness of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and martial art as a whole in the management of PTSD. The participation of war veterans in the training allows them to manage the triggers that would otherwise remind them of the traumatic experiences. The body preparation for flight or fight is turned into a game and minimizes unnecessary reactions. Comments The research is beneficial because it is a basis for finding an effective and alternative therapy for management of PTSD. This assists in managing the body hormones and triggers that cause patients to re-experience the traumatic events.

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