Method design and data collection proposal

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

This proposal paper will discuss the prospective relationship between parental drug abuse and a dependent child's emotional development during the ages of 10 to 16 years. Research method This research paper will apply a quantitative approach. The process is appropriate because it is structured and will provide an excellent opportunity to compare numerical data obtained during the study. A nonequivalent group design will be applied, thus giving the researchers ample opportunity to examine the diverse group of partakers against each other. For example, participants whose parents have drug abuse problem will be compared against those whose parent does not have a substance abuse problem. Children can habitually copy behaviors they observe from other people, and in most cases, the practices they emulate may be strengthened.

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All children need to be approved; thus they will follow any behavior come across, and that has gained their role models attention. Maslow's theory is the theory that will shape the basis of this research proposal. Maslow's pyramid of needs is one of the theories that can be used to these research questions. Maslow holds that specific requirements take superiority over others and what we as human beings are inspired to acquire needs as well (McLeod, 2018). This proposal will examine the potential relationship between parental drug abuse and a dependent child's emotional growth during the ages of 10 to 16 years. This proposal hypothesizes that their parent's drug abuse significantly inhibited the reliant on a child's emotional growth. Researchers aims to validate that there is significance correlation between parental drug abuse and a dependent child's emotional development.

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To sufficiently collect contestants and ensure that the sample is suggestive to the population, there are some terms that some terms require to be defined. The DSMVI defines alcoholism as "a maladaptive pattern of alcohol use, leading to ethically significant impairment or distress" (DSMVI, 2017). Data collection will be carried out using surveys and questionnaires. This will give the participants a chance to remain unspecified and help in controlling any untruthful answers. SEARS (social-emotional Assets and resilience scale) and the self-perception profile will be applied for children while collecting data for this research proposal. Population and sampling procedures The experimental groups that the study will use are parents who have been diagnosed with alcoholism. The control group will involve parents without cases of alcohol or any other form of a medical condition like a mood disorder.

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The effects of parent's drug abuse may not show notable evidence in the young children. Stakeholders and conclusion The findings from this proposal will have a significant impact on reducing the effects of drug abuse on children. Also, this research aims at the opening door for more studies concerning the effects of parental behavior on their children's emotional and psychological growth. The results of the survey will significantly help in solving problems associated with substance abuse on the future generation. The main aim of this study was to establish the possible effects relationship between parental drug abuse and children's emotional growth. bing. com/cr?IG=502171F8386B4055BC6DAC90BB56B361&CI D=1C469065 1BEB646A16319B411AED6589&rd=1&h=B3yjpxz- Saul McLeod, (2018), “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs” retrieved on 5th October 2019 from https://www.

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