Metro magdee el shafee majdi shafii essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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When Shehab, a computer programmer, is unable to pay his debts, all possibilities of luck in Mubarak's wrong, disordered country appear to be shut to him. Obtaining assistance from the bank is difficult without acquaintances, and his relative doesn’t want to be involved in his plans. An influential entrepreneur agrees to help him, but the following day Shehab finds him being knifed in a backstreet. The man's last utterances suggest a scheme spreading to the higher influences of the government. A relentless story of the unfairness and exploitation that Shafee refers to all through the story is revealed in the description of Hagg Wannas. Wannas, the blind shoe shiner, signifies a group of people who only make enough for their food but are unable to meet other basic needs due to the corruption in government.

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The representation, besides the belief of “living inside the walls” permits the audience to feel this subjugation and hopelessness, particularly apparent in the adolescence through Shehab and Dina. To exemplify this, the last part of the writing illustrates a vicious demonstration picket that is shattered by administration hooligans play-acting as demonstrators (Nasser, 2016). It is a conscious portion of the book, predicting the kinds of demonstrations that were to occur later. Shafee portrays Egypt as a country held back by dishonest statesmen, untrustworthy police department, capitalists who’ll fraud you every opportunity they acquire. Magdee uses his comic to reveal the rot we have in our governing system where the rich and people in the government use their positions to exploit the poor (Robbins,2016).

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The government of Egypt profoundly opposed the release of Metro. It is not impossible to predict why the authoritarianism was distressed by the writing. In a skillful categorical representation of Cairo and its localities, a suspenseful story develops alongside the metro structure, giving a comprehensive understanding into why the rebellion took place Hopelessness explodes all over the place, from the shoe-polishers to software experts. The protagonist Shehab starts an honest bank heist, among dishonest police departments and politicians in an organization that isn’t an organization—it’s a prison. The comic remains prevalent in our day for of the strong association with pictures and mass media (De Angeles, 27).   This connection can be connected to the excellent literature work, not only to demonstrate content but similarly to uphold learning abilities, communication abilities, critical philosophy, and inspire the audience past what other writing designs are capable of.

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  The audience can reconnoiter knowledge and find an association to their personal lives when they read and the comic book. Many people today are living in a society where corruption is the order of the day. Many youths are unemployed, and they end up engaging in criminal activities to meet their basic needs while elected leaders don't care about their welfare. Reading the comic book has built my knowledge. It has hugely inspired to me study comic books and increased my analysis understanding.   The comic book also increases my English semantic learning as the open reading delivers an opening for developing one’s proficiency without the possibility of making mistakes in public conversations. Magdee al-Shafi offers a comic book that is a treasured tool that delivers awareness into humanity.

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  Indeed, the book acts as a channel to tell advanced stories of unlimited profundity. The comic book can be efficiently employed to nurture scholar’s understanding of the standards and involve learners in appropriate communal matters, while educating them on rational thinking, deference for various voices, sympathy for fellow individuals, respect for social righteousness, and even the inducement to labor in the direction of a changed and improved civilization. The period is lastly accurate for El Shafee's realistic novel, with the creator's attention directed to Cairo after its first open governmental appointment, and the book doesn't frustrate. The plot is concise, recurring, and feels modern. Works Cited De Angelis, Francesco. "Graphic Novels and Comic Books in Post-Revolutionary Egypt: Some Remarks. Nasser, Deema Ahmad.

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