Monotheism Doctrine of Christianity

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Religion

Document 1

In the biblical teaching for God’s aseity is witnessed in the facts that God was there before and independent of creation and that He got into and sustains in existence everything else that exists in the face of the earth and the universe. He is an Absolute Being thus any other being that is relative was created by Him. No being that was not made by his or wad made from nothing could existing or could be at par with him 1. God’s wholeness is not determined by the existences of any creature on the face of the earth. God will not be greater of less because of our existence or our nonexistence. Being the farther of Isaac and Ismael whose denominational development which are Christianity from Isaac and Islamic from Ismael are strictly monotheistic.

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Old Testament is treated by Christians as a very integral part of the bible treating Abraham with respect and affection where the first verse of New Testament talks of Christ Jesus as Abraham’s son. It is deeply rooted in biblical teaching to offer a strong base to Christianity to provide the adequate knowledge application and revelation of Gods knowledge to stand against the atheism teachings and believes. Integration of the Old Testament about the Jewish Christianity culture, the New Testament talking about Jesus Christ and the commissioning of the Holy Spirit bring the Trinitarian belief. Judaism and Islamic are quite different religions advocating for one God but against the Trinitarian belief. It is axiomatic that the God’s doctrine second, third, and fourth centuries underwent great modifications3. The view of apostles and Jesus’ view and teaching retains the original Old Testament monotheism where Christians believed and worshiped one God the creator of heavens and earth.

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The existence of the three Supreme Being. The farther, the son and the Holy Spirit. The rolls out right from the birth of Jesus Christ, his consecrated works suffering and death and it concluded by the commissioning of the holy spirit by Christ Jesus himself. In Judaism there was no even a single evidence of the polytheism, Trinitarian or multiple gods. The core contrast between the Christendom and the Jews is over the issue of trinity where the Christendom treasure and believe in the trinity doctrine of the three define person united in one being. Jews trusted in only one God the creator of the heavens and earth. To them, Christendom is monotheism by name but in reality they are not. In his teaching Jesus claimed that Jews were true in their worship as opposed to polytheism superstitions.

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Thomas proclaimed to the risen Jesus Christ as, "My Lord and my God" (John 20:28). It also gives an oversight of the ecumenical creeds and the significant roles they play in growth of faith and Christianity in general. There are four major divisions of theology such as exegetical theology, systematic theology, historical and practical theology with well elaborate explanation to each division so as to foster clear understanding of God and scriptures. Bibliography 1. Mueller, Steven P. Concordia Publishing House, 1924 4. MacArthur, John F.  The MacArthur Bible Commentary. Thomas Nelson, 2005. Kolb, Robert.

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