Music Programme and Persons with Mental Illness

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Social Work

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This proposal will present some findings carried out in different studies that have recognized music as an emerging discipline. Results have indicated that people with mental ailments have healing assistances in both psychological and global functioning. Psychotherapy can be proposed an efficient treatment for users. Key Words: mental well-being, Mental-disorders, social support, welfares, mental health. Introduction Readings have shown with evidence the benefits of using music as a therapy for patients with mental disorder. The use of the Chinese medical theory were using some music tones it encourages healing (Yang & Otros, 2008). Different music has been seen to be having different evoke of stimuli. For instance, classical music is seen as being the comfort while rock may lead to discomfort. Music can also achieve some therapeutic effect by elevating pain. Literature review How music improves mental health It has been accepted that listening and creating of music have always had a positive effect on someone's mood and mental health (Yang & Otros, 2008).

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It entails more about how one feels that the way it `sounds. When doing this person should not hear your music if you don't need to. Creativity Listen to music can be a way of allowing someone to be creative since it makes the brain to be creative. This can be used whenever one wants to complete his or her project, and they need to find a way of improving the mood, they can try different kind of music which will, in turn, improve their mood. If you try a different kind of music, it might help one build up their mood and have the ability to improve their mood. In Europe researchers researched for people listen to music while monitoring their breath, heartbeats, and blood pressure. Results showed that the participants had faster heart and breathing rate when listening to upbeat music.

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Others when slow music played it led to lower the stress and anxiety levels, this was also seen to be the same for the heart rates. Methodology In conducting the research, it will involve researching to people that are seen to be having mental illness or psychological disorders. They will be listening to some music while the researchers are monitoring their blood pressure, heart rates, and levels of anxiety and stress. Clearance of ethical issues Voluntary participation Those participating in the research should not be compelled to do so but by their voluntary participation. They should not be given pressure to participate. Informed consent Participants should be fully informed of what they are engaging in. For instance, they should be informed of the objectives of the evaluation and who can be allowed to access the data.

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They should decide by themselves of whether to join the evaluation or not. There is kind of people like this, who don't see any importance of music. Conclusion Music can be considered as a communication bridge, one of the key figures in the therapeutic process. Music can be viewed as a tool for influencing personality. Music can be used to address issues regarding emotions and interaction which makes music appear as an appropriate therapy for treating patients experiencing mental illness. However, through the investigation, it can be used as a process to which encourages social communication that promotes interaction of patients. Implementing evidence-based practice education in social work: a transdisciplinary approach. Research on Social Work Practice. doi:10. Bel, M (2012) Effects of Music on your Health. Retrieved from https://www. and Thyer, B.

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Evidence-based practice and social work. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 1(1), 7-24. doi:10. J394v01n01_02 National Association of Social Workers (2013) Mental health. Marschke, J. Carmichael, P. and Loew, R. How do clinicians evaluate their practice effectiveness? A survey of clinical social workers. Smith College Studies in Social Work 70(2), 287-306.

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