Program evaluation proposal for primary students with ADHD
Document Type:Thesis
Subject Area:Social Work
Research shows that different approaches such as having the student connected through developing a trusting rapport and motivation to concentrate on academics can help in reducing emotional difficulties. The research will determine the best approach for accommodating students with ADHD through interviewing two participants and observation method. Key Word: ADHD, emotional behavior, Single-system design Introduction The 2013 report by National Institute of Mental Health, shows that ADHD is among the most prevalent exceptionalities among the young people at the primary school level. Its symptoms involve concentration difficulties, hyperactivity, and challenges of behavior control. In the DSM-5, ADHD consists of a set of behaviors portrayed in different settings such at home and in school that lead to poor social life, poor education performance and antisocialism in the workplace. The studies were based on different theoretical structures involving systematic and cognitive behavioral models (Evan et al.
To transform predictable chronic emotions among students in schools, research by Tyler proposed adoption of eco-systematic strategy. According to the study, “the main thrust of this approach is to positively reframe the problem behavior, first through the teacher’s reflections on their normal response and explanations of actions, and then through communicating it to the child” (Tyler et al. If the behavior of a student cannot be positively perceived, for instance in the case where he/she kicks hers in class, then the researchers proposed the use of symptom prescription approach, a process of reflecting on student’s normal responses and looking for other ways of expressing behavior at another time. Underlying such a strategy is the desire for attitude and perspective change from the educator that shows sincere concern and care towards the future of a student.
The two researchers assume that acceptable behavioral constructs will emerge through negotiation and constructive interaction. Generally, the studies above have described numerous approaches. However, the most basic is having the student connected through developing a trusting rapport. Secondly, the process of student motivation to concentrate in academics calls for installation of internal control measures. Also, the significance of teachers paying attention to the student and acknowledging the context behavior is essential. The literature review has proposed a different practical policy that can help primary students with different emotional difficulties. Emotional difficulties have become a challenge facing most of the primary students in Hong Kong, but teachers in such schools feel they have insufficient experience in dealing with such issues. According to research by Hsu Siu, “the results reflect that teachers see the importance of ‘emotional education,’ but face many difficulties trying to implement it, given their time and workload constraints” (Naomi, 2017).
Therefore, it is essential for such teachers to develop a class community which accommodates all the students including the ones with emotional behaviors. Considering the emotional behaviors portrayed by most of the primary level in Hong Kong, the research will share with the teachers some of the strategies that can be implemented to have an inclusive environment in the classroom that accommodates students with ADHD. Therefore, the data will be analyzed using both visual and quantitative analysis. In the visual analysis, the research will involve plotting of graphs that will compare different observations based on the data points. On the other hand, the quantitative study will involve the use of PND (Non-Overlapping data) statistics because it is commonly used in cases of single-system programs. The interview responses collected will be compared before final decisions are made concerning the best strategies of emotional education.
Research Limitations The research limitations will involve the use of small sample size, selective literature, failure to consider generalization and biases. Harden, A. Thomas, J. What are effective strategies to support pupils with emotional and behavioral difficulties (EBD) in mainstream primary schools? Findings from a systematic review of research. Journal Of Research In Special Educational Needs, 4(1), 2-16. doi. org/10. Naomi, N. ‘Emotional education’ lacking in Hong Kong schools, survey finds. South China Morning Post. Retrieved 5 April 2018, from http://www.
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