The National Council of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Social Work

Document 1

According to Wilson (2001), the primary responsibility of the social worker in the society is to promote social changes, help people in solving problems and empower people to meet the wellbeing of the community. In order to meet their target, a social worker has a variety of places to discharge the responsibility; for instance, hospitals, schools governments and other non-profit agencies. To efficiently fulfil the mandate, it is essential a social worker understands various levels of practices within the organization from micro to macro. Although a social worker may work at a micro level with specific individuals, it is ideal a social worker learns the diversity especially in prominent organizations because this makes them to understand the critical policies in handling the targeted population. In this regards, therefore, being privileged to secure attachment program with The National Council of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) prevails me with the utmost opportunity to analyze the organization so as to put me in the front line in gaining a full understanding of how the organization works.

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It is apparent the organization’s goals cuts across both individual and group mission on which during every season, the clients are educated on various types of substances, their effects and how to avoid taking them and recovery step from addiction. The education is an interactive kind where the clients are given a platform to share their thoughts, read various materials containing relevant information in regards to the session and also other programs such as watching videos, reading and homework. The NCADD give an utmost concern to diseases originating from substance addiction, and all the victims of such diseases are treated with utmost care and respect regardless of the status of the victims. Ideally, the origination is full of professionals who fully understand their mandates and discharge their duties at their level best making the facility the best place for individuals suffering from any addiction.

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The facility is manned professionally to ensure there is not a single sign of stigmatization among the clients whether at a group or individual level or depending on the magnitude of the challenge the patients are going through. I failed to discover goal displacement at the NCADD because their mission remained the same throughout my term as an intern. There are a number of reasons that could result in the organization sticking to the main goal all the times and one of them could be the fact that NCADD originated from the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Department and therefore, it has no direct mandate to deviate from the mother objective but to stick to its goal. NCADD-GDA Structure and Staffing The organization has a chart which stipulates the interaction between various staffs, their roles and the available programs.

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Aubry, Hobbs & Thuillier, (2007) outline that the organization charts is the most effective way of analyzing the structure of an organization. Through an in-depth analysis of the organization structure, one is capable of accurately identifying the chain of command in the organization as well as the head and the bottom of the chain. In comparison, people with different colours out ways the whites in the department I worked and also the number of women in my department was encouraging. One fact that could result to the high number of blacks in the organization than the white is the fact that where I worked, the African Americans are the majority and also because women tend to choose social work in colleges as opposed to men who go for technical professions like engineering among others.

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Internal and External Environment Both internal and external environment play instrumental roles in the success of every organization. The external environment is an environment outside the control of the organization, and the organization must find the best way to conform to it so as to avoid any conflict that may paralyze its operations. Similarly, internal environment is issue emanating from the work frame of the organization, and they are ones it can effectively put in place mechanism to control. The origination reached a National Accreditation Services that has been operational from the time of its inception, 70 years ago. Besides, the organization enjoys the overwhelming support and welcome from the community who are pretty aware of the adversities of drug abuse. The Clients The organization offers services to clients across a broader range of places; however, a higher number of the population of the clients is from the locals of Detroit where the facility I worked for is situated.

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We have clients coming for various reasons. Some are ordered to go to the facility while others get to the facility through referral because there are specific legal issues that are supposed to work to make it part of their probation. The success depends on the achieved objectives. Recommendation From my experience with the NCADD through the SWOT analysis, I have been able to be in a position to identify any problem needed in any organization. For any organization, SWOT analysis plays an instrumental role because it is through it that the success of the company lies and also because most of the problems are contained in the SWOT analysis. Some of the major challenges NCADD faces and could be faced by any other organization include the old technology, understaffing, huge amounts of debts and deficits.

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The organization should effectively adopt pure computerization of all its services. Thuillier, D. A new framework for understanding organisational project management through the PMO.  International journal of project management, 25(4), 328-336. National Council of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. Our History. M. Understanding organisational culture and the implications for corporate marketing.  European Journal of Marketing, 35(3/4), 353-367.

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