Obesity as a global health issue

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Body Mass Index defines the condition, which is evaluated through the analysis of body fat distribution through the waist-hip ratio. Obesity patients have been found to have previously been feeding in excess, especially on fatty foods rich in high calories, and have in most cases been physically inactive or sometimes have acquired the condition as a result of as genetics. Biologically the formation of an individual’s body can impact the way the body absorbs fat, hence determining the risk of developing the condition (Yang, Kelly & He, 2007). In some cases, people raised in families where parents are obese stand higher risks of developing obesity. Also, pregnant women stand higher risks of developing obesity after giving birth, where they fail to shed off the weight they gained during the pregnancy.

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7 and 41. 9% respectively) with low-income earners likely to suffer obesity than their counterparts with higher income (World Health Organization, 2019). People with obesity stand risks of developing conditions such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease, gynecological problems like infertility and irregular periods, cancer including cancer of the uterus, breasts, cervix, and kidney. Apart from the low health quality of life, they become subject to feelings of rejection and subsequent stigmatization, social isolation, depression, sex problems, lower work performance, and achievement as well as disability. Obesity also exposes patients to complications such as breathing and sleep disorders, high triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol which may cause death if not properly managed. Healthcare professionals in this approach can use the assertions that obesity is higher (and engagement in healthy behaviors is lower) among individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds and that economic incentives play a prominent role in people’s behavioral decisions.

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Mostly, low-income earners have fallen victims to low-cost fast foods, which are easily accessed and are appealing to them more than those that require greater effort to purchase and prepare. Therefore, increasing taxation on junk foods is a possible way of driving people away from unhealthy foods that contribute to obesity. Just like taxation has successfully been utilized to tame unhealthy behaviors in tobacco and alcohol use, using it as a tool to improve what people eat is an ideal possibility. However, it remains a major ethical concern that increasing taxes will negatively impact low-income earners. Besides, its implementation has been a major challenge hence calling for the involvement of other stakeholders into the framework. In order to ensure conclusions that are critical, complete and representative for how a programme will be received in society, it is advisable to consult a diverse and multidisciplinary group of stakeholders.

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The more complex and controversial programme is expected to be, the more time and energy should be put into applying the framework. Possible options for resolving Obesity (i) Healthy Lifestyles and physical activity Obesity and overweight can be prevented through regular physical exercises like walking or swimming, exercising a healthy eating habit with low-calorie foods, nutrient-dense foods like fruits with little or no fat saturated foods. Regular weight monitoring and sticking to consistent weight check plans through meals and lifestyle can help prevent obesity. Increasing both sales and excise taxes on fast foods and beverages may discourage many consumers from buying the products since they have to pay extra money which may be against their will or reach. (iv) Maintain the status quo and do not change anything People living with obesity have higher risks of developing other health conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

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Even though it is necessary to manage obesity, there is also the option of choosing to live with it and not changing the condition. Health professionals and other stakeholders may also feel content about obesity and opt not to make any changes to the condition. Healthy Lifestyles and physical activity as an option for managing Obesity The food environment in America is largely to blame for the rise of obesity in America. References Azevedo & Vartanian (2019). Retrieved from http://www2. psy. unsw. edu. edu/philosophy316/tag/obesity/ Information, H. , Management, W. , Surgery, B. , Surgery, B. , Center, T. com/conditions/obesity/obesity-america-growing-concern Kersh, R. The politics of obesity: a current assessment and look ahead. The Milbank Quarterly, 87(1), 295-316. McGeehan, P. Ban on Using Food Stamps to Buy Soda Rejected by U.

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