Odysseus and Leadership

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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In my opinion, he was not a good leader, and his command can be criticized according to the various events that took place during his time. Furthermore, Odysseus lacked some moral values that a leader is required to have at all times. Even though his men followed his leadership for ten years, he always brought them death and suffering, but sometimes he came up with smart ideas that saved them from danger. At the cave of Cyclopes, he was willing to stay there even when his men begged him not to. He seemed to be a curious man guided by greed for better adventurers and as well as curiosity. Communication skills are necessary for any individual in a position of leadership since it allows for transparency and honesty in their administration.

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Odysseus in most cases was not honest with his men concerning various issues. For instance, he failed to tell his men about the bag he had gotten from Aeolus which his more curious to know what was inside the bag that he had received. On their way back home he fell asleep, and his men were tempted to look inside the bag, and they were blown away back to where they came. It is obvious that he was cleverer than his men and he had an obligation to make sure that they did not make mistakes that they could regret later. Even if he had never believed in what it meant, he should have observed the things that were happening to him and his people and then make the necessary preventive actions.

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‘Have come from afar, creating pain for many— Men and women across the good green earth— so let his name be Odysseus. the Son of Pain, a name he’ll earn in full. ’ (Fagles pp 328-329). The above quote was in book 19 when the origin of his name was revealed. ’ He didn’t seem to have put enough strategies that could be helpful at any time of danger. Furthermore, he seemed to depend on the dreams that he had to guarantee safety for him and his people. An accomplished leader is the one who always looks out for his followers even when it means that he doesn’t have fun. When in a position to make decisions that may affect a considerable group of people, some leaders must make necessary sacrifices.

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However, there is always needed to show your subjects that you can sacrifice yourself for them. Furthermore, one can argue that Odysseus’ reckless leadership skills have made an impact on his son, Telemachus. Most likely, Telemachus grew up asking to hear tales about the way his father leads and acts. Due to Telemachus allowing an unknown fugitive, Theoclymenus, to sail with him, it is possible that anyone who spoke about Odysseus’ leadership style mentioned many reckless and risky choices Odysseus made. Telemachus allowed a stranger on his boat without having him carefully examined. All Theoclymenus says to persuade Telemachus was: “Just like you, I too have left my land— I because I killed a man of my own tribe. "The Homeric Odyssey.

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