Organizational Culture and Employee attitude in Mental Health

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Even more, some sought to establish the kind of environment that is significantly related to mental health outcomes of employees working in medical institutions. However, the various scholars resolved to use multiple approaches to establish quality assessments that were used to arrive at different conclusions. The majority of this literature holds that organizational climate could be associated with either positive or negative performance outcomes like depression, anxiety, productivity, and work burnout (Brimhall et al. Equally, some studies proved that employee relationship is also significant in explaining the employee's and the patient’s health. In addition, some evidence also suggested the substantial role played by supervision and leadership in determining job performance. These included using a computerized database to enhance the systematic review Process of the study.

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They concluded that physical burnout is initiated by a difficult work environment that results in providers being relaxant to undertake their tasks. Working culture can impact both negatively and positively on an individual’s welfare. Arguably, working under excessive pressure is more likely to induce stress disorders unlike working in a calm condition. Even more, assigning excess tasks to an individual may witness him or her giving up; which means a failure to accomplish the specific tasks that he or she has been assigned. They determine the kind of behavior that is rewarded, supported and valued in an organization. Therefore, the two elements trigger profound behaviors and attitudes. Further, they base their argument on the fact that the kind of attention given to mental health practitioners is essential in influencing their overall productivity.

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The interactive implications of culture and leadership on an organization’s productivity is of significant concern to a majority of healthcare practitioners. Lack of attention towards employees is critical in healthcare institutions. Such adaptability is mostly triggered by the ability of top management department to coordinate activities within the specific organization. O’Reilly III Charles et al. (2014) argue that experienced senior managers are likely to develop a culture that emphasizes employee adaptability to the specific organization. On the contrary, top leaders who lack adequate expertise may promote undesirable work attitudes among subordinate staff. The visionary leader encourages cultures that align with organization's goals. (2014) studies indicate that an organization's culture acts as a social control mechanism, which can make it possible to develop strategic plans.

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Collective goals can only be improved when employees can adapt to the specific environment that they encounter. Further, employees are supposed to be adequately oriented to fit into the organization's culture if they are to develop mutual goals. As explained above, collective goals are crucial since it leads to coordination and teamwork spirit besides meeting healthcare needs of diverse clients. Further studies have established the effects of work-life balance (WLB) on employee motivation in the mental health department. However, scholars like, Jarrod et al. (2013) conducted studies that sought to establish the connection between job and life satisfaction, anxiety, depression, and WLB. They argued that the five elements are moderated by multiple cultural approaches. The theories conceptualize WLB to be an individual's perception of the nature of the balance of his or her life roles Haar et al.

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Gauging work and rest in an individual life is significantly determined by organizational culture. The common factors contributing to the psychological ill-health among employees include working for long hours, excessive pressure and workloads. Other elements are the inability to take control of individual work and poor management. These factors act as a major limitation to employees' productivity. Intervention Mechanisms Senior leaders should be aware of the cultures of their organizations and if possible adjust their leadership styles to fit the requirements of the particular organizations. Arguably, it is easier to change long preserved leadership style than it is to improve the organization's culture (Landy, & Conte, 2016). (2016) highlight that, ambiguous tasks may strain employees, thereby subjecting them to doing shoddy work. The low-performance quality is promoted by employee resentment and resistance towards doing what is required of them since they perceive such as overburdening.

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In such cases, top leaders are obliged to ensure that the human resource department aligns the right task, to the right employer and at the right time. The institution adjusting its leadership styles continuously to meet the demands of the advancing technology may ensure that only the right path is followed in an organization. It would be advisable for organizational leaders to make use of appropriate feedback and pursue development training to develop a favorite leadership style (Dhar, 2015). The strategy mentioned above can prevent frustrations when experiencing temporary situations of role imbalance. Action Checklist The section represent action research checklist including some activities that the research process will initiate. Some action plans that the researcher purpose to execute in completing the project requirement have been highlighted.

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