Organizational Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Business
In connection to this, they will be required to make constant meetings with their team members; they will have channels through which they can get team members’ opinions on projects, and they will need to interact with their junior team members constantly. An employee conduct policy is that policy that gives the duties and the responsibilities of every employee. As such this policy is aimed at ensuring that supervisors work closely with the junior team members (Coombs & Holladay, 2012). In fact, it encourages managers and supervisors to seek opinions from their team members. This policy is in line with the company’s culture because as stated, TechFite is widely known for its culture of workplace collaboration and leadership development. Additionally, all the employees are encouraged to participate in community services at the individual level.
In connection to that, the company allows employees to take leave shortly when engaged in community service. This policy supports the organisation’s viewpoint that they should give back to the society. That is why the company believes that they must be actively involved in the community where they have established a business. Ethical versus legal issues Analyze difference between the ethical and legal issues. g. conflict of interest, misuse of resources, whistleblowing) The ethical issue at stake here is the honouring of ethical obligation to the employees and the community. This issue has arisen due to the company’s inability to raise enough funds. Due to this financial constraint, the HR cannot pay the employees as required on their hourly time worked. It has forced the company to reduce everyone’s working hours to part-time employees (Coombs & Holladay, 2012).
Purpose of ethics officer Describe the purpose of the ethics officer The ethics officer is the one that comes between the auditor and the management’s legal responsibility. This individual as such serves as the company’s guardian to the code of conduct. As such, he/she is mandated with the main role of giving the top management information on the leadership of the company. In many cases, the ethics officer helps a company develop its ethics and code of conduct (Weiss, 2009). After this process, the individual is also in charge of shaping up and constantly adjusting the organizational ethics. Finally, the company has a corporate social responsibility to give back to the community. In this case, the company had promised to fund leadership development programs for which they have not begun.
Community reputation Explain the ethical desirability of improving the company’s reputation in the community based on the scenario. The explanation should include three supporting examples of what the company has done or failed to do that has harmed its image in the community. It is necessary that the company work towards redeeming its image to the community. Finally, the company should meet with the employees and talk to them about the financial situation affecting the company. The decision made should also cut across all the other branches of the company both in the UK and in the U. S to ensure equality. Explanation Explain how each course of action from part B2 is ethical, socially, and environmentally responsible The first approach of firing individuals involved in the misuse of money and cutting down the hefty allowances is a more for social responsibility.
It is an ethical responsibility since it concerns the ethics of workers. Holladay, S. J. Managing corporate social responsibility: A communication approach. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Sims, R.
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