Organizations and Organization Theory

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

For instance, an organization is a social entity in that it is made up of people and their relationships in the workplace. Similarly, an organization can be said to be that which is goal-directed in that business is established with specific goals and objectives that have to be achieved either in the short term or long term (Daft, 2015). Alternatively, the organization is viewed as a deliberate structure that is comprised of a structured and coordinated system of activities linked to the external environment. The internal system is structured and linked to allow teams to work together in and between departments to address the problem while collaborating with external players such as customers, suppliers, and competitors (Daft, 2015). Q2. Organizations characteristics that explain the 100-year longevity In the corporate world, an organization may exist for the short term and become driven out of the market due to the inability of competing effectively.

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However, there are organizations which have been in existence for over 100 years (Daft, 2015). The unique characteristics with such organizations include the ability to maintain strong customer relationship, ability to produce a high-quality product and giving excellent services to the client, the investment in technology for making the process efficient and cost-effective as well as product or service specialization (Steensen, 2014). Q4. Categorizing the organization according to Mintzberg's five organization types General Electric. In such an organization, services are provided as opposed to the provision of tangible goods. Local consulting firm. A local consulting firm consists of people who have vast knowledge on certain matters. Such people have specialized in certain areas which are their profession. They provide consulting services to other firms, and in such cases, the firm mainly consists of the technical core.

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Q7. What is the primary difference between an organization designed for efficient performance and one designed for learning and change? Which is easier to manage? Ideally, the key difference between the efficient performance organization and the learning organization lies between five critical elements of the organization which include the design, task, culture, systems, and strategies (Mnih et al. However, the efficient performance organization follows the set rules, and in most cases, the status quo is maintained. In the learning organization, everyone gets involved in the problem identification and problem-solving. The key characteristic of learning organization include team building, caring, the culture for excellence, people value, finding a solution to challenges which drive innovation and creativity in the organization (Mnih et al.

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The major difference between the expectation of the stakeholders in profit-making and non-profit making organization is that the former expect value for their investment. A profit making organization must give a return on investment to the shareholders regarding dividends as well as pleasing or rather satisfying all other stakeholders such as customers and suppliers. However, in the nonprofit organization, the stakeholder expects a high level of accountability and transparency, the organization must be able to account for the finances and ensure that resources are channeled to the right course (Mnih et al. It is true that a nonprofit organization have to give more attention to stakeholders and work hard to meet their expectation since they are key in providing finance for running the organization.

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