Origins of Holding Children behind a Grade

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Religion

Document 1

The research topic will be explored through historical review and extensive research. For each part of the research, information will be given in details, citing the sources in order to make the study relevant. Introduction Holding children behind a grade means that a child is not allowed to proceed to their next level of education due to some limitations (Kodjo et al, Pg8). In education reforms, teachers and lawmakers often engage themselves in acting beyond the purpose. The education law makers may tend to enact sweeping legislation aimed at renovating what is normally perceived as a flailing system. In this case, researches which oppose holding children behind a grade say, “The development pathways are as individual as children themselves” This means that the school law makers are yet to improve their process of assessing children’s capability.

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Research questions 1. Why are we still holding children back in 2018? 2. How successful or unsuccessful is it holding children behind a grade? 3. What are the demographic faces held back more or less? Literature review This section of the proposal will present the theoretic background of holding children back a grade as discussed by other researchers. One may conclude that it would be better if the children were allowed to proceed to the next grade since their limitation (poor performance) was caused by the teacher. This research found that if children get the required help and proper attention from the teachers holding behind a grade will seize. Martin West of Harvard University, Guido Schwerdt of University of Konstanz and Marcus Winters of Boston University, followed the short-comes of almost one million children of Florida who were in 3rd grade between 2002 and 2003 (Deschenes, Pg33).

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In that duration, in the campaign of No Child Left behind Law, policies were introduced that all children who failed to attain the mark on the third grade sate coursework would be automatically ignored and given remediation. states and the Columbia District have such a rule. Many of the laws encouraged schools to hold behind children a grade in accordance with their performance. Other 10 states have adopted similar laws. In this case, holding children behind a grade seems supported by many states regardless of its effects on the children. Florida adopted the laws encouraging holding behind children a grade in 2002 (Felder et al, 44). Reforms started in 1999 whereby they targeted local schools (parents and teachers) to practice the laws. This is because the state has adopted a policy which automatically regulates whether the children will proceed to the next grade or not.

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Following many chances of failing in children, holding children behind a grade will become the policy in the state. To avoid this risk, the policy should be reformed in order to involve parents and teachers in assessing whether the children shout be held behind a grade or not. This is because parents and teachers are usually close to the children, therefore, most likely to understand the failure of the children. Sates such as Oakland do not involve the laws which encourage holding children behind a grade since they consider the habit as harmful as useful. The teachers may be given a certain duration of time (some years) to take care of the children as the parents solve their family issues. In this case some children may remain held back a grade for several years depending on the time which their parents may take to solve their problems.

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Laws and regulations of institutions may lead to the holding children behind a grade in 2018 (Pfeffe et al Pg6). Education is a system which requires time management. Parents should understand that their children have to take some time studying a certain grade. In fact, substantial evidence shows that unless children establish good reading skills by the time they in young levels of studying, the rest of their education will be a challenge. The evidence has spurred severe efforts in ensuring that all children get high-quality reading guidelines in and before the higher level education. In case these efforts fail to be achieved by the children, (Kohn Pg12) argues that the children should not be promoted to the next level of education. In this case holding the children behindis considered as the best tool to shape their performance- improve their reading skills-in order to feel themselves comfort in the higher education levels.

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Promoting higher performance Holding children behind a grade encourage them to work hard and better their performance (Pfeffe et al, Pg6). Therefore, measures are taken to investigate competence of the concerned teachers. This helps the government to maintain standards of education in each state. It is also through holding children behind a grade where government plans to improve skills of teachers (Kodjo et al, 8). This aspect applies where the state uses policy to automatically determine whether a child qualifies to the next grade or not. There is usually a pass mark recommended by the policy which guides teachers in selecting children who will proceed to the next grade to get held behind a grade. This is because the children may lack parental care they used to get while in school. In the process of searching for money, since they can’t qualify in any job, they may end up stealing from the society hence promoting crime.

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Time wastage Holding children behind a grade may become a time wastage habit. Even after the retention, some children may not show any significant improvement in their performance. This is because the children are already used to the learning material and hence no changes in their performance at all. The study will selectively employ research methods which are suitable in providing correct answers for the hypothesis. In this case, research methods such as survey, questionnaires, interview and experimentation will be involved in this research. The selected research methods contribute to the success of this research since they will enhance direct interaction with the targeted learning institutions. The data collected will be analyzed and presented in charts, graphs and tables Data collection and procedures The study will use suitable process data collection and procedures.

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Interviews will be conducted in different learning institutions targeting specific personnel; teachers, head teachers and children. Data presentation After interviewing teachers and children the following information was recorded: Pros of holding children behind a grade Cons of holding children behind a grade Children missed many classes due to illness, move, or emotional trauma may benefit from retention Children who have been absent for quite some time have risk of dropping out of school due to repeating the class. Children who are younger than their grade-level and who have history of poor performance may benefit from repeating. Children who are already older than their grade due to repeating are two-years older Children who are physical immature benefit from repeating since they are relieved stress of trying to “keep up” Children who are physical big for their age, repeating is a disadvantage for them- they grow bigger and bigger.

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Kindly who are far behind the syllabus benefit from repeating since they catch up with other children Children may be taught the same skills over time making the retention useless. Children who have stress related to schoolwork can benefit from one more year. Children who are physically bigger than their grade-level are advised to proceed with their learning regardless of their performance in order to make them comfortable. Conclusion Holding children behind a grade is a serious issue which affect the behavior of children. Some children may feel comfortable while others may end up being stressed. The habit of holding children behind a grade has increased rapidly up to 2018. There are several aspects which explain the reason as to why there is an increase in retention of children.  ASCD65. Eboatu, V.

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N. Comparative Study of the Impact of Class Repetition and Mass Promotion on Students’ Academic Achievement in Anambra State.  European Scientific Journal, ESJ 13 (2017). Prevalence of, and factors associated with, adolescent physical fighting while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  Journal of Adolescent Health 35. Kohn, Alfie.  The schools our children deserve: moving beyond traditional classrooms and" tougher standards". Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, (2015).

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