Patient Engagement Related to Healthcare Literacy

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

This process involves selecting the providers that best meet their needs, the approaches to health management and how to maneuver between the advices of loved ones and those of medical practitioners. The advances in information technology have amplified these factors. Researchers use various designs and methods to evaluate patient engagement. These approaches cut across various disciplines such as economics, psychology and sociology to give a better understanding of how people make decisions (Clancy, 2011). Even though researcher-developed are normally used to examine patient care experiences, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act came with numerous provisions that reinforce patient-oriented care care as an essential requirement to achieving affordable care of best quality (Center for Advancing Health, 2010). The methodology involved random assignment of the participants to one of the six hypothetical-tiered network sites that had qualified physicians.

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The scenario involved participants choosing either a dermatologist or cardiologist with various levels of copayment. The study found that almost 50 percent of the respondents switched to specialists with lower ratings if they were recommended by friends or family members. Two-thirds of the respondents would switch to the specialist with lower rating if recommended by their physician. However, copayments exceeding $300 affected the selection of lower-rating specialists upon recommendation. Effective engagement requires credibility of information and ability of patients to evaluate information from various sources. Theoretical foundations: This study is based on Nutbeam’s Health Literacy Model theoretical framework. This model states that health literacy exists in three sequential levels. The first level is functional literacy which means the ability of an individual to use his or her basic skills to maneuver through health related materials.

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The second level is the interactive literacy which depicts advanced cognition skills and ability of an individual to interact with others in a social environment. Quality and safety: When the focus is on the engagement of patients and their families through the provision of information related to the care given to the patients, patients feel safer and the families will recommend their friends to the facility or physician (Berger et al. Financial performance: the engagement of patients and their families in healthcare in the course of treatment results in a decreased need to spend more time in hospital. This saves costs to the patients while freeing up space and resources for the healthcare facility (Fleming et al. Patient literacy: this is the accurate interpretation and use of health related information to make effective decisions.

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This literacy is more than ability to read. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2015). Patient engagement requires health literacy skills, which are the encompass the ability of an individual to read, understand, and analyze information. It also includes the ability to decode instructions and diagrams, and to weigh benefits against risks (Schulz & Nakamoto, 2013). Clinical/PICO Questions P: Telemetry day nurses I: Health literacy education/intervention C: Nurses knowledge levels before the educational intervention O: The increased level of knowledge after the educational intervention T: Four weeks RQ 1: Does the health literacy educational interventions increase the nurses’ knowledge levels as evidenced in the posttest health literacy assessment tool? RQ2: Did the health literacy educational interventions for the nurses help to increase awareness of the health literacy rates of their patients as evidenced in the patient’s post discharge follow-up telephone calls? Sample 3.

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c. Healthcare practitioner to discuss engagement with nurses and patients Data Analysis Approach A paired sample t-test will be used to determine the mean difference existing between two sets of observations (Statistical Solutions, 2017). The pre and post literacy scores of participants will be used to determine the literacy skills of the participants. A G-Power analysis will be used to determine the sample size. Excel 2016 will be used to develop a codebook that shows the meaning of each response by assigning names and values to responses. A. , & Dy, S. M. Promoting engagement by patients and families to reduce adverse events in acute care settings: a systematic review.  BMJ Qual Saf. org/pdfs/CFAH_Engagement_Behavior_Framework_current. pdf. Clancy, C. M. Patient engagement in health care.

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