Patients' perception of stressors in the critical care unit

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Stressor perception is always one of those items the patients get to think and develop within the care unit. Stressors are chemical or biological elements, conditions or even an event that leads to stress to an organism or person, (Rodriguez, 2011). Stressors are always present when the mind or body of a person is met with the unexpected condition and which they don’t have the energy and capability to tackle. Patients in a critical care unit always develop some form of perceptions that have their own interpretation and which acts as the determiner of certain conditions they are suffering from or receiving medication. The research proposal tries to find out on the patient’s perception of stressors within the critical care unit.

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The difference was related to the presence of different stressors in the care units. However, the perception of these major stressors was similar to most of the patients revealing their focus and worries associated with the treatment, (Dias, et. al. According to Welch, 2017, availability of certain aspects within the intensive care unit provides to intrigue and universally stress patients as they undergo treatment. It borrows that certain factors available within the room cause the patients to feel stressed about their treatment under which it prolongs their healing process. 2018, it was established that the stress levels among relatives were even much higher than that of patients in the intensive care unit. The relation of this is provided by the unknown factors of what will happen t their relative when they are put under the intensive care unit ward.

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The article also established that the nurses attending to them also had the perception of these stressors recalling the process of the patients in the intensive care unit. Lacihova, et. al. al. 2011, there is a relation between noise levels and perception of stress in heart diseases patients. It provides that noise levels are some of those stressor factors present within the intensive care unit. The article underpins that patients admitted to a coronary unit tend to have an increased perception of stress. Nurses need to ensure that the patients get better care when handling them so as not to provoke the development of these stressors and which might render the situation into critical condition. II. To check levels of stressors in patients.

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III. To establish what causes these stressors in the critical care unit. Operational definition Stressors: Stressors are chemical or biological elements or even events that entail causing stress to an organ or body. Data for the entire population sample will be provided to ensure that there is accuracy and correct information about the study. Setting inclusion criteria Population The study will involve a sample population of 100 patients selected randomly from the intensive care units. Sampling technique tool The study will utilize the random sampling tool for the population under study to ensure there are no disparities on the population for the study. Data collection procedure Data from the patients will be collected using questionnaires. The questionnaires will have designed questions in relation to the study issue and which will be issued to the selected population sample.

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