Pedagogy and environment

Document Type:Creative Writing

Subject Area:Education

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He cannot contain long concentration and listen to both on the teacher’s instruction and during group work with fellow peers. Also, He demonstrated likeness of school and persistence in classwork, but still perform generally below average in verbal, writing, and mathematics.   Student Descriptive Narrative Most of the depicted characteristics of the student are typical of third graders. Learner of this age is usually witnessed to be full of energy, gregarious, and easy-going. For instance, they portrayed they may often hurry, have awkward movements, and play hard and tire quickly. By saying so, the development of a child is subject to a transformational and interactive biological disposition and environmental factors. As a result, every single child may be unique in his or her way due to the dynamism of their development process.

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In the case of a student under observation, effective classroom management can work to engage him and improve his academic performance. For instance, the application of different learning resources by offer engagement lessons like storytelling, art and crafts, exercise, and educational games. Furthermore, incorporating brightly colored with relevant learning charts showing maps, alphabets, numbers, and different student’s art drawings to stimulate curiosity, imagination, and exciting learning environment for him to adapt. Also, the parents back at home can help the child form a basic learning foundation through teaching simple alphabets, shapes, and colors as well as words spelling. Most importantly, parents nurture the right skills and values by use of appropriate rewards, engagement, and behavior that can boost self-esteem and foster the general development of a child.

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However, interactive childhood education is the core of healthy development for young children Classroom Ecology A positive classroom environment is an organized class setting that provides equal opportunity to suit all the students, safe, and interactive to support each student’s continuous learning improvement and enable the adult in the classroom to teach effectively. In other words, the classroom seating arrangement, set-up, and the teacher’s attitude should be effective enough to accommodate children's differences for interactive and participatory monitoring and behavior control. The classroom offers the fundamental foundation of a child’s self-esteem, social skills, cognitive skills, and the general world view to get shaped at this juncture of life. Although, the teacher has applied for group work as an interactive approach the classroom setting does not guarantee cooperative learning to ensure all students are productive and comfortable throughout the learning sessions.

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The created classroom ought to enable learners to freely fee safe to ask questions and take active participation in discussions. The learners at this chronological age present a lot of immediate energy and tire easily, and that, they while talking and playing as they feel part of the group.   The adult in the classroom fails to observe the uniqueness of the children’s social and cognitive interests to encourage participation. The classroom seating arrangement needs to be flexible enough to enable share their unique ideas and excitements. An effective learning environment demands a combined and relational ability that is capable of launching a transformation in a particular learning institution. Formulation of the right strategies helps in such a transitional way of thinking to make sure the prevailing learning environment gives rise to a well-rounded and complete child.

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In this case, to ensure the success of all the students the teacher need to conduct sufficient and appropriate assessment to enable understand student’s problem, engage the parents for a further evaluation concerning the student’s needs and behaviors and tailor the same in designing the learning program.    Children at the early learning stage are more unique in their physical, social, emotional, and academic abilities. Effective centers for education sort to challenge all students to attain their greatest potential possible by offering encouragement, motivation, development, and assisting these early learners on each unique and specific learning progress.   A well-designed classroom serves as the guiding post to all instructional staff for the achievement of the desired student performance. The data points from my observations, interview with the J, and systematic review of the student work showcase how classroom management contributes to student’s performance.

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