Personal Belief about Human Nature

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Psychology

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free will, conscious vs. unconscious, reactive vs. Proactive, subjective vs. objective, helpless vs. responsible, positive vs. These actions in turn will become habits, the habits turn into character and at this point it shall automatically be considered human nature. Even with that, people are encouraged to try and learn about themselves in order for them to understand fully their inherent nature. This understanding is crucial for the purpose of integrating with reality (Grol, 1997). Deterministic Vs free will. Psychological behavior is determined by different factors surrounding humans. Information is passes from the preconscious to the conscious mind for action or speech. Human behavior can be determined in two ways, the conscious and the unconscious (Grol, 1997). When people act from their conscious mind, they are well aware of their actions and choices. They are acting on free will since there are totally aware of their actions.

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Behavior from the conscious mind can be controlled in one way or the other. Luke Jones says “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. ” Subjective Vs Objective. The major difference between the two types of psychology is on the fact and opinion. On the one hand objective human behavior is totally dependent on observations and facts while on the other hand subjective human behavior is totally dependent on opinions, beliefs and assumptions (Grol, 1997). Subjective psychology therefore is based on insecurities of an individual while objective is goal oriented. When an individual is aware that they are responsible of a situation they take it upon themselves to put things right.

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The helpless psychological behavior on the other hand is the one that an individual feel like they are not in control of the external things happening in their life. The helpless psychology is one that in as much as one has the physical and mental capabilities to get themselves out of a situation, they are psychologically tied there. Holistic vs. elementalistic The difference between holistic psychology and elementalistic psychology is on the subject of explanation. Positive behavior can be influenced in the negative and the eventuality is a negative or undesired behavior. Negative behavior on the hand can be influenced in the affirmative and result to a better attitude and character (Bell, et al, 1996). Personality can be influenced from one end to the other depending on the kind of environment one is in.

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a change in behavior will result in the change in personality eventually. Personality may not change before an individual’s day to day behavior is change. The change though needs to be positive for positive results. Human beings are cut out to desire positive progress and improvement in their lives. Therefore the desire to copy positive behavior and character is desirable compared to copying bad character #3. Personal Theoretical Orientation Every individual has beliefs, morals and values that define them. These components put together shape human behavior and personality. This prevents the occurrence of arrogant behavior in the name existentialists. This is the theory that makes humans believe that they are entitled to act the way they wish with no questioning. It from this belief and theory that people take the excuse that their behavior was way beyond their control (Foss, et al, 2016).

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My background has been supportive of change and influence positive behavior. My grandparents and parents particularly never gave us a chance to get away with excuses of anger and nature. My parents took me through the need to change my attitude and perspective in life and thankfully, today I am a better of person (Foss, et al, 2016). Assessing positive therapeutic relationships. As an individual, I have been certain of my attitude in life and prefer to have all the people I intact with have the same attitude. I therefore go about advising my relationships on the need to dedicate themselves to improving their attitude. Looking at every situation from a positive end can be helpful. They say prevention is better than cure. I use preventive measures like helping the client embrace change.

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Even when the matter at hand has been sorted I look at the future. When a client’s attitude and perspective has been corrected they are sure to deal with the same matter in a better way in the future. The focus on taking a proactive rather than a reactive attitude when dealing with a situation can be preventive of future misunderstanding (Foss, et al, 2016). Ensure that you promise confidentiality at all-time too. Application of Theoretical Orientation: Crisis and Consultation There are two levels where a crisis can occur. On a personal level or on societal level. On a personal level, one can be identified to be in a crisis in case they are facing traumatic experiences like the loss of a loved one, being a witness in an accident or homicide.

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One can be in a crisis in case they are in a situation that is described as overwhelming. The needs like shelter, food, medication, finding other family members and burying the deceased. The next stage is to get all the important details of every individual affected by the crisis. Information about the victims interpersonal relationships need to be taken and put into consideration too. The last stage is conducting an assessment of the stress level of the victims through a biosocial and cultural assessment. Robert was looking at solving the present problems of the victims such as stress and trauma (Fisher, 2016). A counselor should first help the victims manage the stress levels they are experiencing due to the crisis. They need help and consolation to help them first understand the situation.

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This first aid should be administered just like any medical emergency. They need consolation and encouragement so that they can keep on strong even with the occurrence (Fisher, 2016). As an individual in any crisis, I first empathize with the victim and fit myself in their shoe. This model seeks to help the victim understand the consequences of their action upon them, their families and their love ones. This model helps a victim solve the issue they find burdensome in their life that they prefer taking the option. The model seeks to help the victim solve those problems in their life and ensure that they have a strong support system to keep them in touch with the world. This model is the best since it helps the victim solve the issues in their life as well as restore life.

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In my personal orientation as a counselor, I give a first aid intervention to victims of suicide by addressing the root cause of their desperation. Entwistle, 2015).   Christian virtues like compassion, patience, kindness and love come to play every time I have a client in need of psychological counselling. I need to be patient with my clients as they narrate their ordeal. I also need to have compassion and empathy fitting myself in their shoes. Entwistle, 2015). A. Greene, T. C. Fisher, J. D. In Ronald J. Fisher: A North American Pioneer in Interactive Conflict Resolution (pp. Springer, Cham. Foss, J. M.

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