Poverty and Alcoholism Research

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Education

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Although poverty is old as human history over the years its significance has change over time. Poverty have been associated with lack of education, disorderly behavior, unwillingness to work and other several factors. On the other hand, alcoholism is serious form of excessive drinking of alcohol, often uncontrollable. It has been linked to cause of high poverty rates in some families, due to misuse of money. In addition, Alcoholism can be related to parenting problems such as inability to offer sufficient resources due to limited finances or emerging conflicts with siblings. After Rex and Rose Mary quitting their jobs as a teacher and working in the mines respectively to achieve their dreams. This provides concrete information that the family situation in poverty is not something come by itself rather due to their choices, they could have work to enough money for the family before quitting their jobs.

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The choose lead them to poverty life, which they influence their life so much including of their children, but living in their poverty and making the wrong decision, they were able to mitigate their consequences. According to article Your Brain on Poverty, living in poverty decrease one cognitive function making harder to solve the challenges in life such as think long term and resist impulses. It hurts how one makes the decision on finance, life, and school imposing a mental burden. Using the case study games to determine the factors on how ones who he is rich and poor makes the decisions. They come up with the conclusion that rich people get fatigue in guessing because they allow more turns to make the guess, while poor get fatigue because they take a lot of thinking to make a guess.

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They come up with understating that abundances engage us to little research but scarcity engages us with more research. Thus, scarcity does make people better problem solvers than abundances. This is because poverty makes an individual to focus and solve what is in front unlike the rich who concentrate on the future so much. This explains that there is no relation to what is made from what is used in making it” (Baudrillard,76). The article mentions that the pumpkin spice latte does not contain any pumpkin but the name is just used to convince people to make a purchase. The picture is not directly related to what is seen because of the several imitations did to it (Baudrillard,76). The pumpkin spice latte is an imitation of a pumpkin since the name is suggestive of a pumpkin product yet it is not.

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This also applies to Rex and Rose walls, for instance after deciding to quit their jobs and pursue their dreams. Thus, poor choices in life have consequences that everyone should cope, particular those made under chronic poverty stress. On the other hand, alcoholism influences family, particularly, parental care. Parental care is a significant aspect of substance abuse with regards to the extent to which addiction and use influences social interrelations. The article reveals that alcoholism can be related to parenting problems such as inability to offer sufficient resources due to limited finances or emerging conflicts with siblings. Goldberg et al. As such it is important to investigate the effects of life stressors such as alcoholism and their effects on family interactions.

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Pillow, Berrera & Chassin, (1998) explains that in childhood substance abuse, for instance, it is important to explore the extent to which the stress experience is different among those who live with alcoholic parents or siblings. The rationale is that if there is an extent to which researchers can harness standard life contexts, they are able to derive such information and cluster these events in meaningful clusters. Although there is a perceived link, Pillow, Berrera & Chassin, (1998) portends that there is a need to explore the stressors relating to family interaction while Goldberg et al. , (1996) focuses on the co-occurrence of such events. Pillow, Berrera & Chassin, (1998), for instance observes that experiencing stressful life events could be associated with exposure to alcoholism where such events are factors mediating alcoholic parent to a substance using youth.

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In a research focused on the ‘effect pattern’ of events such as parental divorce or conflict with the external criteria such as parental alcoholism or adolescent substance use. As such, by using the strength of an event in the sense of its impact size, the research finds that the factors that are associated with parental conflict are more related to parental alcoholism and childhood substance abuse. Goldberg et al. , (1996) on the other hand derives that among the women arrested for drunk driving 76% were poly-drug users. " Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (1994). Goldberg, M. E. , Lex, B. W. , Barrera Jr, M. , & Chassin, L. Using cluster analysis to assess the effects of stressful life events: Probing the impact of parental alcoholism on child stress and substance use.

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