Prayer Analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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Both the support and love is asked from this guy who happens to be the persona asking for god to pray for his lost. Both the struggle of the inside and outside will only be fixed with the help of god. The poem is a classical idea of the relevance of seeking the presence of a god through insights and relevance of the role of divinity (Steyn 166). Within the poem lies the actual meaning and essence of seeking the face of god through commitment and dedication. The dramatic situation in the poem entails the use of instruments like the piano that gives the piece of work a rhythmic flow and consistency. Prayer from the poem is a classical idea that helps in social decency and makes humanity return to the supernatural world.

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Faith is relevant since it makes the social circles abide by the teachings of god and make a man submit fully to the demands of a supernatural existence. Historically, god has been the source of relief to the suffering humanity and the supreme being is the opium for the poor and less privileged like street urchins and them sick in the hospital. It is through prayer that there is hope and relief that through god, goodwill shall prevail in the society and there shall be no more pain and suffering ((Braund 192). The poem illustrates that there is an effective social transformation in the presence of prayer and divine seeking form god the supreme nature and being. Seeking the face of god through prayer saves humanity a consistency of frustrations by bringing relief and safeguarding the will and wishes of the people.

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Furthermore, the use of the dramatic effects in the pome through the use of piano helps to enhance memorability on the essence of the theme of prayer. The poem is classical and helps in the diversified thoughts on the relevance of prayer as a source of social enhancement through the realization of the essence of seeking the face of god and having a full submission. The organization of the poem takes the form of rhyme schemes, symbols, imagery and all forms of figurative languages to help develop theme effectively, enhance rhythm and create memorability (Dimarco 28). Nonetheless, the dramatic effect is part of the organization and facilitates the effective development of flow of the poem giving it a musical attachment that makes sit enjoyable and memorable through instrumentals. The decision affects the meaning of the poem since it makes it more effective and central to the idea of prayer in securing the wellbeing of the society from pain that is consistent.

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that small familiar pain…. ” Furthermore, it also enhances the effective consideration of the essence of a high power that controls the existence of humanity and responds to the concerns of the people. The form is used to organize the poem is a logical structure to enhance the height with which the theme of prayer is enhanced. An effective interpretation of the poem is enhanced through a reasonable consideration of the relevance of the prayer and seeking divine provision in the times of social need, consolation, and hope for a brighter day. Lyrics of Love, Loss, and Longing. Carol Ann Duffy. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2016. Duffy, Carol Ann. Prayer.

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