Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

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The symptoms are usually experienced five to eleven days before menstruation begins in the affected lady. Many of the times the symptoms end immediately after the menstruation has taken place. Sometimes they end later after a short time. The disorder is believed to be as a result of hormone change in a woman’s menstrual cycle. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is categorized in the DSM-5 as a complete diagnostic category. This disorder is also associated with physical and behavioral symptoms. The behavioral symptoms include loss of appetite, feeling weak and increased or decreased sleep. However, physical symptoms are very minimal and are mostly related to breast problems. Breast problems include swelling of the breasts, breast distending and breast pain. Symptoms of the disorder are mostly reported three to four days before the occurrence of the menstruation (Hartlage, Freels & Gotman, 2014).

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PMDD results from the function of the central nervous system on its relation to reproduction system hormones, genetics and brain social factors such as stress. Menstrual hormone changes are the key aspect for the disorder cause (Dennerstein, Lehert & Heinemann, 2013). Women affected by this order have fluctuating hormone levels of the ovary. They have developed immune against drugs administered to them to control the fluctuating hormone levels. Causes for the symptoms of PMDD for Mock Client Progesterone, Allopregnanolone During menstruation progesterone levels are usually low. These all activities are affected by Serotonin. It is usually related to the genetic factors. The activity is controlled by the hormone estragon. It activates the activity of Serotonin transporter which functions in the brain region. It therefore affects the emotion and behavior of a person.

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Allopregnanolone is related to stress causing because it controls the sedative impacts during occurrence of stress (Shanmugan & Epperson, 2014). The control leads to fluctuation in homeostasis of the body. Allopregnanolone responds to stress in the body. The level of ALLO in the body determines the level of stress the affected women are experiencing. Increment of ALLO in the body will help control the amount of stress in the human body. However, the treatment has a number of side effects related to it. They include severe headache, nausea and insomnia. SSRIs administered can also lead sexual role effect. Dosage and Onset Therapy Onset therapy is quickly responsive compared to the SSRIs’. It spends hours or days for the response to take place unlike the SSRIs which take weeks for the response to take place.

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Contraceptives with synthetic progestin drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol are administered to calm down the symptoms. The doses are administered continuously to avoid any case of hormones failure in the body. Hormones that are single are easy to control than those that occur in pairs. Continuous dosage of the drugs improves the condition of the disorder. The dosage activates the release of hormones that initiates postmenopausal levels. They used the scale provided to give their conditions. The PMDD client showed some symptoms that were easily noticeable. The clients’ symptoms included irritability, lack of hope, and lack of energy, feeling weak and craving for some foods. The symptoms affected their normal activities in their work place. It is hard to determine the presence of this disorder.

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Anxiety was also observed in this axis. The client has eating disorders like craving for some type of food and sometimes reduced appetite. The client had sleep problems like lack of sleep and sometimes sleeping excessively. All these disorders were as a result of general medication condition. The client was very sensitive rejection when mingling with people. Axis 1V: Psychosocial and Environmental problems The client was found to be having social related problems from her background. The client was being disturbed by divorce problems she had experienced sometimes back. The environment the client was living in was also a contributing factor to her situation. She was living alone and experienced poor working conditions in her job. Due to her mood swings she was conflicting with the people around her.

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They must be from both emotional and physical. The psychological features integrate with genetic factors in the disorder. Proper and right treatment needs to be researched about having the disorder. The client came to the clinic and explained all what she was going through. Observations that I made from the client is that she seemed to be panicking and filled with anxiety. (2013) Epidemiology of premenstrual symptoms and disorders. Menopause Int. Deuschle M, Gilles M, Scharnholz B, Lederbogen F, Lang UE, Hellweg R (2016). Changes of serum concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) during treatment with venlafaxine and mirtazapine: role of medication and response to treatment Epperson C, Steiner M, Hartlage SA, Eriksson E, Schmidt PJ, Jones I, et al. (2014) Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: evidence for a new category for DSM-5.

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