Primate observation project

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Anthropology

Document 1

Scientifically, primates are considered to be one of the species of animals which are closely related to human beings. Therefore, the study of the behaviors of the different primate species is relevant since it is considered to provide very important information which can be used to study human behaviors when compared and contrasted in different situations. This essay will provide a report of the observation I made of a given species of primate which I closely observed and recorded the observations for behavioral analysis. This report contains the information I observed of the squirrel monkeys on Edinburgh zoo webcam1. The squirrel monkey is scientifically known as Saimiri sciureus2. Their body length ranges from 9 to 19 inches in length depending on the age of the monkey.

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According to the zoo records, the squirrel monkey weighs about one to three pounds5. This makes the monkey species to be the smallest among the other species of primates in the Cebidae family. Also, the squirrel monkeys are said to have nails rather than claws. The male species are bigger in size compared to their female counterparts. Also, they feed on insects, eggs, and lizards8. The squirrel monkeys have agile fingers which are well developed with the thumb being short to enable it to clutch trees and finding fruits. When resting, the squirrel monkeys like sitting on branches as the monkey barely moves on the ground. Generally, squirrel monkeys live in colonies. The different species tend to always be in gatherings of thirty to fifty squirrel monkeys9.

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The female in most cases takes care of their young ones from danger. The sexuality of the squirrel monkeys differs based on the gender of the monkey12. The female monkeys become sexually mature after two and a half years. The males, on the other hand, become sexually mature when they are four years of age. The species are seasonal breeders and they mostly give birth during the wet seasons. The structure of the hand in both humans and the monkey look similar15. They both have the thump as the shortest figure and which enables them to undertake different activities effectively. This enables them to hold with ease of different items and influences their eating behavior. Despite the teeth formation, both are omnivores feeding on both plants and animals.

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Also, their resting behavior is similar. The only difference in this kind of behavior is that in humans both men and women play a role in the raising of the child, unlike the squirrel monkeys where the raising is undertaken by the females. This behavior can be therefore be considered as an advancement from the primate behavior. Notes 1. "Live Squirrel Monkey Cam | RZSS Edinburgh Zoo | Edinburgh Zoo". Edinburgh Zoo. Campbell, Neil, Devin Clow, Andrea Crane, and Adam MacDonald. "Endangered Wildlife: Squirrel Monkey". Edu. Pe. Ca. Rosenblum, eds. Handbook of squirrel monkey research. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012. Campbell, Neil, Devin Clow, Andrea Crane, and Adam MacDonald. "Endangered Wildlife: Squirrel Monkey". Michele, and Christian R. Abee. Squirrel Monkeys:(saimiri). No. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, 2005.

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