Prohibition of drugs and alcohol versus todays problems

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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Some of these drugs may be needed for just a limited duration of time. Recreational substances include Opioids, alcohol, and caffeine, which hinder brain functionality. Generally all drugs have side effects, making many drugs illegal for the recreational usage and the international treaties such as the single convention on narcotic drugs exist for the purpose of legally, illegal substances (Nadelmann, 2010). war on drug was declared in the year 1971 by Nixon president of United States of America claiming its usage as enemy number one in the citizens of the United States. Since then the war on drugs has become longest and costly in American history. Drug consumption has worse effects as its usage less satisfies hunger rather the users tries to find an alternatives.

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The drug war stands a priority for all political parties but its appearance seems to have been misunderstood with no concrete steps taken to solve the ever rising problems. Prohibition policy has now become violence policy as banned drugs will take consumers to jail and if the drug abusers are strong there is risk of life for the regulating agencies. The worst is prohibition has been the main solution forgetting the real causes which are not targeted and not implementing alternative solutions due to one or two reasons influenced by political administrations. Prohibition though, over, resulted in a lasting culture of crime. This kind of question was addressed by John Stuart mill in his seminal work on liberty. By his definition that with no victim there is no crime.

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This served as the major point of contention among many reason being humans do not live their lives in a vacuum, literally meaning that every action affects someone else in some way. Many in favor of prohibition spells it that cites many ways in which drugs are harmful to others, such as increased crime, child abuse, family conflict, accidents, and infertility among many others. Many people believed that prohibition of alcohol was to reduce a ride America with many social problems work within the societies. It later seized government revenue set for for the fight against depression in the year 1930s. Majority saw the great experiment as a failed one, even in the cities where there was heavy police; the law enforcement became very hard to fit.

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The famous gangsters like Charles Luciano and Al Capone who easily dominated cites by bribed the lawmakers and the law enforcers. Through the false money for these cartels more crimes emerged such as prostitutions and robbery. The law officers were silenced and made hopelessness and powerless to the big society wanting for change. Corruption was widespread in prohibition America and affected all the levels of the society from politicians down to the local police (Gogtay, et al. Bribery acted as the vital tool for the bootleggers to keep the speakeasies that they ran open and not shut down by the authorities. The judicial systems were too influenced by the corruption, meaning the bootleggers had a direct phone line to a certain judge and could dictate whether certain bootleggers should be convicted.

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If the bootleggers could not bribe the judge then they could too bribe the U. S Commissioner, that meant that the commissioner would for a fee, tip off speakeasy operators about the implementation of the federal raids on their property. There are also instances where this cartel groups themselves in cooperatives co-opt existing street gangs who are set to control their respective markets (Drucker, 2016). These seasoned drug dealers know how to ask about sources of their drugs, so in this reason, drug prohibition could not have succeeded. The evangelical took the main fighting credit as far as war against alcohol consumption is spelled. They saw it a devil drinks; they not only hated the drink, but respected their holy book which gave no room for drug usage (Drucker, 2016).

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