Prohibition war on drugs

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:History

Document 1

Alcohol became illegal during this period and the fight against alcohol took place because of many factors including violence and crimes among the Americans. America faced challenges, most of which were associated with alcoholism and this led to activists and Protestants to call for the elimination of alcoholic beverages in the American society (Reinarman, 150). The ill society needed to go through changes that would in the long-term lead to a weakening of the opposing political forces. The fight against alcoholism was done to ensure that the society had a better way of living through reduced crimes and family violence. The war against alcohol began in 1920 and was successful in 1933 when people realized the negative impacts of alcohol thus making it illegal in America.

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The smuggling business grew massively and it was necessary to repeal Prohibition. The failure of Prohibition to fully enforce sobriety was one of the reasons why it was repealed. Its implementation was aimed at ensuring that people did not engage in drinking but this was not successful (Pliley, 413). Also, since most companies engaged in smuggling, America lost billions of dollars in the business and there was the need to put to an end the negative impacts that Prohibition had on the economy of America. The negative impacts of the Prohibition affected America in different ways a reason why it was necessary to implement a better strategy that would make the Americans work towards a better society. Drug users eventually become addicts and they no longer have the ability to make their lives better.

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Drug abuse has become a common challenge among the youths because of peer pressure. The effects lead to the youths being unable to attend school or advance their education levels to become professionals in the future. Most of the people involved in drug abuse tend to join gangs in which they commit crimes including killing people and stealing property to acquire enough money to purchase the drugs they use (Lassiter, 130). Legalizing drugs would put a lot of young people into an addiction where they might find it the best way to discover who they are in the world. As a result, alcohol should not be made illegal but to some ages, they should not be allowed to use it regardless of the event.

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Alcohol and drugs have similar effects but differ in some ways. Alcohol and drugs may have a positive input in the economy but drugs have shown more negative impacts as they contribute to brain damage when a person becomes an addict. Drugs also make it hard for users to perform their daily activities because they can no longer make guided decisions about their lives. Most of the drug addicts become dependents to their families since they can no longer take care of their lives. The alcohol manufacturing companies should also be urged to deliver quality alcohol in the market. The cooperation between the different stakeholders will reduce the negative effects of alcohol in the society. Work cited Collins, John. "Breaking the Monopoly System: American Influence on the British Decision to Prohibit Opium Smoking and End its Asian Monopolies, 1939–1945.

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