Prolonged Anger
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Psychology
Take a case of a world without anger. For instance, a person slaps you and you just start laughing. In such world, life will be odd and twisted. In essence, the presence of anger controls what we do to others. Each of us has been angry at some point, but what happens when the anger is prolonged? What are the effects? Despite anger being a natural emotion like happiness, there are physical, emotional, and social effects of prolonged anger. They can be seen through actions of the victim or their health condition. To begin with, prolonged anger is associated with violence. Basically, violence is a form of expression of anger. The various types of violence range from physical fights, verbal aggression to crimes. A study by Izawa, Eto, Yamada, Nakano, Haruyo, Nagayama, Kikuchi and Nomura (82), outlines that anger highly increase hostility in different parts of the world such as Japan and America.
In addition to vandalism, elevated anger causes chronicle heart diseases. Owing to the high levels of adrenaline that is released, there is an increase in the rate of heartbeat and stiffening of muscles that raises the risk of heart attack. This is seconded by a research by Davidson and Mostofsky (6) that found that 31 percent of people who experience destructive anger often are at a higher risk of getting a coronary heart disease. Consequently, most heart disease majorly leads to death. Furthermore, studies have linked anger to cause hypertension. Likewise, protracted anger causes anxiety. This owns to the adrenaline that prepares an individual for a “flight or fight. ” Here, the body keeps secreting the hormone every time an individual is angry, which lead to a person being worried about what will happen next.
High level of anxiety may cause antisocial behaviors such as withdrawal. Similarly, prolonged anger may result in self-hate. felt terrible. This is clear indication that most decisions made by angry people are not sound. For instance, a decision to smash a Smartphone because someone insulted you is irrational as it will lead to replacement cost. Moreover, prolonged anger alleviates negative emotions such as sadness and hatred. In this light, anger makes a person be passive and feel that they hate everything or everyone. Prolonged anger may lead to a person feeling that they do not want to interact with others so that they do not bust in anger. This lead to them becoming anti-social and developing a phobia for people. Being antisocial may lead to one being disliked by others as humans are social beings.
Overall, the withdrawal creates loneliness that can be detrimental to psychological health and may cause depression. Besides withdrawal syndrome, angry people have an attitude against others in the society. Prolonged Anger Management Having studied the adverse effects of prolonged anger, it important to know how we can manage anger so as to avoid the consequences. The first step to managing anger is understanding its cause. This help in determining how to deal with the condition of the anger. Likewise, sharing with close friends and asking for their help could help in solving prolonged anger. In another case, one should learn healthy ways of expressing stress such as pointing out what angers you. It is worth noting that prolonged anger can be managed through various methods such as learning how to cool down or visiting a professional.
Works Cited Adam, Hajo, and Jeanne M. Brett. Context matters: The Social Effects of Anger in Cooperative, Balanced, and And Competitive Negotiation Situations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 61 (2015): 44-58. Goleman, Daniel. Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships. New York : Bantam Dell, 2006. Izawa, Shuhei, et al. Cynical Hostility, Anger Expression Style, and Acute Myocardial Infarction in Middle-Aged Japanese Men. Social Forces, vol. no. June 2010, pp. EBSCOhost, search. ebscohost.
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